DCS (Digital Select Calling) VHF Turtorial

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5-Salt Fever

I am not sure if you boys have DSC in BC but even if the Coasties haven't yet implemented the system it is a super handy feature to have for letting your buddies in on the hot bite without having to broadcast your numbers to the entire Province on the VHF.

I have my VHF/DSC networked (0183 NEMA connection) into my GPS plotter. When I receive a reply to a position request sent to a buddy, an boat icon pops up on the plotter showing their exact postion; simply move your curser to the icon and select from GPS menu "navigate to" .... viola you have course, distance, time to their exact position.

Most handy and, in the event on an emergency your VHF will broadcast your postion every 1-2mins to all points, aiding in your receiving help much quicker and without your having to put down the extinguisher/bailing bucket to run the radio.

Good tutorial on DSC can be viewed at:

As stated in March 2007 edition of Sea magazine, “The tutorial, “Can you Hear Me?,” educates boaters on the basics of DSC VHF radios. The 35-minute, narrated program also allows viewers to try radio buttons and sounds on their computers to simulate a DSC VHF radio. Topics include radio installation, emergency signaling and an overview of the Coast Guard’s “Rescue 21” program.” The tutorial was created by the USCG and BoatU.S., and it is a top notch program.

The entire tutorial does not have to be viewed at one setting, and you can skip around various segments. One subsection I found interesting was the example audio radio calls to and from the USCG. One thing I learned is that the USCG may ask for your MMSI # (in the example the boater had made an errant distress call, and the USCG wanted to confirm the MMSI# so they would cancel the incorrect alert, and not a real one).

BoatU.S. MMSI Page and link to DSC Radio tutorial: http://www.boatus.com/mmsi/
Hmmm, so if I take my DSC handheld and walk to the center of a small reef and send a "wow the fish are jumping into the boat" note and they NAV to that point.... has possibilities :-)

Good link
you can only send receive from those who's MMSI number you have entered into your VHF directory...so if you have the MMSI of those on your scorn and comtempt list than yes, tons of possiblities.

Yes, we have DSC out here, but you have to register it and get a number code (MMSI #) with Transport Canada to make it work - and it does work!
The challenge with DSC last time I looked (a few years ago) was that the DSC certification course was a lot more expensive than the standard Restricted Radio Operator course.

We run DSC on our boats but it would be nice to see the certification rates come down to push for more folks to activate it on pleasure craft as opposed to commercial vessels. I see quite a few people with DSC capable radios installed but without them registered and activated.

Again it's been a few years so mayby they have come down but I remember at the time the course being hard to find and expensive...

Looking at that link it's not super clear who has to have their ROC-MC certificate... I know compulsory DSC fitted vessel operators have to have it... and I thought all boats equipped with a DSC radio did... but mayby not.

I also thought everyone using a VHF radio had to have a ROC at minimum but that link seems to imply there are situations where VHF/DSC equipped pleasure craft don't have to... but I'm not willing to spend the time going and looking it up... anyone already know the answer on when ROC / ROC-MCs are required???
quote:Originally posted by SIR


Looking at that link it's not super clear who has to have their ROC-MC certificate... I know compulsory DSC fitted vessel operators have to have it... and I thought all boats equipped with a DSC radio did... but mayby not.

I also thought everyone using a VHF radio had to have a ROC at minimum but that link seems to imply there are situations where VHF/DSC equipped pleasure craft don't have to... but I'm not willing to spend the time going and looking it up... anyone already know the answer on when ROC / ROC-MCs are required???

I've done a fair bit of marine training for recreational, and commercial purposes. Now I only boat for recreational purposes. You can have a VHF radio on your boat, and not have a license, but if you wish to use it for non-emergency purposes, you should have a Restricted Operator's Certificate. (It's easier then getting your PCOC). Everyone that operates a boat should get their ROC. You can get it through your local Power Squadron, that is what they are there for. You may be able to get a booklet from a volunteer instructor from the course, read it one evening, and then write the test the next day. (Often they'll tell you to head over to their place one evening, and write it). It's easy, if you can get your PCOC, you won't have any problems getting your ROC.

To answer your question SIR, you do NOT need a ROC to obtain an MMSI # for your VHF/DSC Radio. To operate the radio, you will need an ROC. (so might as well get one, but not required to do this first, you can go ahead, get your MMSI, and then get your ROC).

One other note I'd like to bring to everyone's attention. You can change your MMSI # on your radio only a couple times (read your VHF manual), and ensure you always keep Industry Canada up to date with the information you give them on your application (emergency #'s, your address etc.) The MMSI # usually stays with the boat when you sell it, so usually the radio will go with it, if not INFORM Industry Canada!

Further questions for anyone can be obtained from the link above, with the contact #s, there's one in Victoria, Vancouver, etc.
Does that mean they have updated the ROC curriculum to cover DSC? They used to just say that DSC was covered in the other course...

I'm also assuming that the PCOC is the new and improved version of the ROC-MC...

Thanks for saving me the searching time - the joy of knowledgeable boards :)
quote:Originally posted by SIR

Does that mean they have updated the ROC curriculum to cover DSC? They used to just say that DSC was covered in the other course...

I'm also assuming that the PCOC is the new and improved version of the ROC-MC...

Thanks for saving me the searching time - the joy of knowledgeable boards :)

PCOC, is a "Pleasure Craft Operator Card", only entitles you to operate a water craft :)
Ah should have been able to figure that one out. The Pleasure Craft test was a bit of a joke..... but better than nothing.... but nowhere near as good as the full Power Sqaudron Boating Course which I thought was better than the commercial MED A3 / Small Commercial Vessel Operators courses required for small commercial fishing boats/tour boats.
From an Emergency Assistance stand point only: Get what ever you need to get...DSC enabled VHF's have an SOS button that we activated automatically sends your MAY-DAY message to Coasties with exact GPS coords and updates continuously until de-activated. Press the buttom them attend to your emergency....good for cases where Capt becomes disabled and crew is clueless.

Cold waters of BC?!? Knowing someone has your exact or, exact last postion, will save your life someday. Precious little time can be wasted finding you when you hit the water...DSC broadcasts to all stations including those boats in your immedaite area with VHF/DSC. As well the Coasties will be broadcasting an all-mariners-request for assistance while they scramble a helo or life boat to come for you. Cheapest life saving insurance you can buy in my book...and the cool stuff you can do with your network of buddies is a bonus.

Spend the 200 clams, take the tests...put your boat and crew in a position to be saved quickly. Your spouse and children will thank you.

Remeber DSC must be connected to a NEMA 0183 capable GPS to function correctly. NO GPS Connection, no position to your recuers. The wiring/connection is a piece of cake.
Thanks for the info. I am just starting to fill out the MMSi annex a form, and it makes referance to an Annex E form??????? any one know the link for that as i have search the Gov web site with out any luck
quote:Originally posted by flytyer

Thanks for the info. I am just starting to fill out the MMSi annex a form, and it makes referance to an Annex E form??????? any one know the link for that as i have search the Gov web site with out any luck
The phone # for Industry Canada is 1-604-666-5000. When I did mine they were very helpful as to which form to fill out. I don't remember which one it is but it is confusing for the first time.