Damaged Stainless Prop


Crew Member
Hit a rock and bent my stainless prop. Fortunately no damage to the shaft or leg innards.
Anyone have any experience with North Island Propellers in Campbell River? Or any other suggestions for propeller repair from Nanaimo north?
I have used them a few times over the years and they have treated me fairly. They fixed a couple of aluminum props and also sold me a new Turning Point prop that blew up and replaced it no charge when we discussed the issue.
I agree with GLG. Have used North Island prop a few times over the years and have always been treated fairly. That being said, having hit something hard enough to damage a stainless wheel, are you sure that you haven't bent a drive shaft or similar component even slightly. Hard to imagine otherwise.....
I agree with GLG. Have used North Island prop a few times over the years and have always been treated fairly. That being said, having hit something hard enough to damage a stainless wheel, are you sure that you haven't bent a drive shaft or similar component even slightly. Hard to imagine otherwise.....

The skeg took a lot of the impact - looks like a shark took a big bite out of it. I put my spare aluminum prop on and the boat ran just fine - no vibration up to WOT. Have ordered a skeg guard to cover that damage. The boat will be going in for a check up soon, though, just to make sure all is fine with the leg innards (its a Volvo SX drive).
The skeg took a lot of the impact - looks like a shark took a big bite out of it. I put my spare aluminum prop on and the boat ran just fine - no vibration up to WOT. Have ordered a skeg guard to cover that damage. The boat will be going in for a check up soon, though, just to make sure all is fine with the leg innards (its a Volvo SX drive).

Is that rock now charted on your plotter??

Is that rock now charted on your plotter??

Oh yes. However the track has been deleted as well. It was a silly (as it turned out) attempt at a short cut through the Broken Group. Won't take that route again! It's a bit longer to come around Swale, but a hell of a lot less risky.
We all do those short cuts. I made some shortcuts like that in Hardy and I am not doing them again. Good thing you didn't bend your prop shaft. That sucks. There is a famous rock in Cowichan bay boat ramp that claimed mine on my old boat.
Definitely check that the prop shaft is still straight by spinning the prop out of gear and looking for any wobble. I would check the gear oil after a few trips for any sign of water...can be done by simply removing the bottom screw and letting a few drops out. A slight wobble that you can't see will compromise the shaft seal and allow water to be sucked in. I had to replace a kicker prop shaft recently. I don't remember hitting anything but when I remover the prop to grease the splines, there was a twist in the splines. Not sure what happened.
I would be surprised if the shaft is okay, in the river we never used stainless steel. Better to lose the prop then the leg in the river.

Hopefully everything is okay
Shaft seems to be OK. After the rock hit, I put a spare prop on and the boat ran great with no vibration at all. I have spun the prop out of gear and there isn't any kind of wobble. Will have it checked thoroughly when it goes in for service and winterization.
Shaft seems to be OK. After the rock hit, I put a spare prop on and the boat ran great with no vibration at all. I have spun the prop out of gear and there isn't any kind of wobble. Will have it checked thoroughly when it goes in for service and winterization.

so lucky great to hear!!
Hit a rock and bent my stainless prop. Fortunately no damage to the shaft or leg innards.
Anyone have any experience with North Island Propellers in Campbell River? Or any other suggestions for propeller repair from Nanaimo north?

A few years ago North Island Props repaired my badly folded F5s when I ran out of talent, just pinged a rock and the hull was unscathed. They did an exceptional job on the repair with awesome service in my experience as I needed a fast turnaround.