Dacron Line

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Red Herring

Hi All,

first off - grrrrrrr #$@% &*$@#~!!!. Lost a nice one yesterday due to either line break or knot slippage. Second spreader bar to go this season. Hate the thought that some poor (at least 300 pound ;)) ) fish is tooling about trailing my gear... fortunately I use 15# wire leaders for my balls, so he will loose that soon enough, but still - shittt. Did get one 40 pounder in the boat however!

Anyways, brings me to my two questions...

1) How long is the braided Dacron line good for? Does it need to be changed out every so often?

2) How do you tie your spreader bars on with this stuff? Palomar knot is what I have switched too, followed up by a fishermans knot for luck if nothing else.

Thanks guys...

Dacron rots after a few years-you should switch to Tufline or PowerPro-expensive stuff but mine has lasted for 10 years now and looks no different and is as strong as ever.
For knots use a doubled line to make a Uni Knot never fails for me.

that's why there's a warranty!
It actually is Tuf Line plus - the green stuff. Thought it was made from dacron???? Glad to hear it lasts. Must be my knots - sheesh.

It's your knots for sure.
That stuff isn't Dacron it's Spectra Fibre and that's why you paid a bundle for it.
As I said I always double the line and tie very carefully.
Then I test the knot with gloves on-I have a eyebolt screwed into my workbench and that's what I hook onto and pull against-not so easy in a heaving boat though.
There are all kinds of different fancy 'braid knots' to be found on the net but that's all they are-they aren't any stronger.

that's why there's a warranty!
Hey Rodbreaker-Could you explain how to tie a uni knot? Sounds like a good one.
You might know it already by another name.
http://www.angelfire.com/in/hoosierfisherman/knots.html will give you an animated illustration if you scroll down the page.
I like it to join 2 dissimilar lines as well because you can 'build' one side of the knot to match the thickness of each piece of line.
Like I said when I tie Spectra fibre I pay extra attention to what goes where and pull hard to tighten up.

that's why there's a warranty!
Make sure when you go to tighten that knot to put on a pair of leather gloves or something i watched a guide who said i have tough hands dont worry about it,well he had to have 6 stitches put in is hand right where the pinky joins at the hand lucky we had a doctor at the lodge but we had to get him drunk first LOL.

Red im curious why are you using wire for your lead? from what you said do i understand your running wire from your spreader bar to your ball? if you are why? you should run mono only maybe 20 lb test at the most so if you hang up your ball on the bottom you will only lose that and not your gear.

They are actually "Red Wolf" wire leaders - 20 # from crappy tire. Easy and quick connect between ball and spreader. Way easier than tying mono - but same thing.

Thanks for the site rodbreaker,I was going to retie my halibut rig so I'll try that knot.
I apoligize red its just that i am getting really tired of people that are pissing me off while im halibut fishing. I was just ranting thats all so i am sorry!!! The other day i was doing a charter when this abvious total newbie saw i had fish so he came right up asking every question in the book as he was adding the spot i was fishing in on his gps,then he proceeded to anchor right behind me in my scent trail, i know we all dont own the ocean but all i am asking is to give us guys that guide out there for a living to give us a bit of room its a huge ocean!!!!!!!!!If you think you are to close you probably are.
Again Red sorry Wolf
You can't really blame a newbie for trying. If he did'nt mess with your anchor line what's the problem? It's taken my fishing buddy a couple of years now to just start and figure out the butts. Let's hear what you guy's think on anchoring over drifting. All the halibut we've caught were on a drift. We spent all last year anchoring with no success. But then I hear that anchoring is the best? Way to go Red Herring,....I hope you have nightmares about your fancy knots. lol. One other question, I grew up using the fisherman's knot and it's never failed me. I had to loop around the eye twice to get the dacron to grab but once sinched I don't see a problem with it. I've caught one big hali and lots of sea anchors(bottom) and the knot holds up. I just don't trust knots I have'nt tied before. I was on the boat with RedHerring when he lost a sweet hali to a bum knot. Red call me, the weekend is lookin sweet. Talked to Dave and the end of the month will be hot.
I hear you Wolf, and completely understand my man. Kinda like when your fighting a 40 pound salmon, and look over only to see other boats heading your way! Grrrrr.

hali 22 thats exactly my point you just dont get it!!!!!!!!!!!

first point
when you anchor behind someone you are in the scent trail of the boat in front of you so more than likely you will catch any fish that is following up the smell.
if you are behind me and i hook a big fish and i have to untie to chase it with the current if i get tangled in your anchor i would be a little mad dont you think!!!!!!!!! would you like it if it was you in that position think about it it is just common curtiosy like your friend red said with a big spring and a boat is right there oh oh to late fish gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a thing called FISHING ETIQUETTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, ok wolf I get the point. That's the thing with halibut fishing, no one will give you info on the hotspots. People just want to catch fish. So the poor newbie has no other way to figure out the fishery but by hugging close to the guides. If it upset you so why not just tell the newbie to move? I'm sure he had no idea that if you hooked a big fish you would have to leave your anchor. If no one tells the beginners these things it will just happen again. Just take a deep breath and be thankful that you do for a living what most fishermen can only dream of. Are you the Island Outfitters guide?
No i am not the outfitters guide but rob does get alot of halibut also I have my own company I do believe my web site is on here under my profile.i have told people to give me room some will move some are very ignorant and stay put.
Now to touch on the subject of hotspots i have been fishing hali for close to 20 years now and a lot of "spots" i have found was trial and error there was times when i wouldnt catch a thing it has taken me years to find good spots, do you think its fair for a newbie who hasnt been out that often to come up to me a fish on my butt for what took me a long time to find and reap the benifits of my hard work and time??????????
Why not take the time and find spots on your own thats all i wish these people would do,its sort of like your favorite hunting spot you arent about to tell the whole world where you seen a couple of hat rack bucks your going to want to hunt them to try a get him yourself Right!!!!!??????
Good luck on your fishing its all good if we can have space out there to ourselves thats all Wolf
So, persuant to alot of fretting about knots.... I found that it is actually my line that is giving out. So, I have spun the line on backwards, like fresh line on the reel now, and will be very conscience about freying, and will see how that goes. Hard to believe that the Tuff plus is giving out after 2 1/2 years, but i guess it can happen! :))

Maybe its time to buy new stuff if that first part is failing im sure the rest of it is also crap,why take a chance when the line isnt really that expensive you just never know when the big one hit and it breaks again your going to say to yourself now why didnt i change it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! think about it im sure its in the back of your mind.
Go down to trotac and ask for the stuff that is imported by triple fish I think its from germany its a great product green in color ask for Paul, its all i have used for the last 5 years as i personally dont like tuff line i found it to break down to fast for what i was using it for so after just one season i threw it all out good luck Wolf