custom fish kill bag for fish box

Not sure about JAC's TJ but my Hewes Searunner is insulated sides and bottom but … and it's a big but … the way the top is on the transom box it is not air or water tight. Bad enough for keeping ice if just air alone but when you clean fish and wash it off water gets into the box and melts ice quick. I've made comments to Hewescraft that this needs to be fixed so that the lid seals and water drains off elsewhere. Box is a good size and a custom insulated kill bag is a great idea. Reminds me I need to measure mine and order one.

For day trips and hitting the beach on Interior lakes a Costco cooler bag stuffed with food and drinks fits nicely but, they're not so great for fish. Rock fish spines rip the lining and once fish slime and blood get into the insulation they're toast!!

