WHAT is the itinerary of this so called "assessment" if we have an idea of what this all entails then maybe we would have a better understanding and dont go on about how its free money .... we have covered that I WANT to know what the thing is about. cause 500 bones is a lot of money for 3 hours of time at 166.00 bucks and hour it better be damn GOOD....
Thanks Wolf
Basically very simple Wolf.
You will have no issue challenging or attaining the "CTAG".
Here's what I remember from when I got it when I could challenge for like $100 fee.
you already have your Med A2, SVOP, ROC-MC, Marine First Aid. You will have to provide copies of the documents for your challenge. You will have to prove you have 750 hours of experience and/or Sea time---self declare I guess for you...fill out that paperwork!!! lol.
Then you will fill out a dummy multiple choice test, and some written answers. Then you will go through an oral exam and answer their questions. They are "what if" questions and test the most basic questions. In my case, I knew more than half the assessors personally and they knew my history/experience..so they assigned someone I didn't "know". They make you sign a declaration that you are not in a conflict of interest with the assessor.
At the end of it all they send you a "Red Seal" which promotes the SFI and you get in their records as a CTAG.
You then get the benefits of the CTAG perks if they are of use to you.
Oh yeah, you get to use the seal as a marketing tool so somehow some uneducated client perhaps thinks they are booking with a "professional" who is going to catch them fish, show them a good time and get them back to the dock alive.
Take the tax credit and buy some beer to drink by the fire in the winter when you're tying up the seasons supply of leaders.
Otherwise the CTAG doesn't do a whole lotta nothing for many guides, owner-operators and clients on this coast.