crab weights??

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I'm going out crab fishing and was wondering if you put wieghts in your trap to make sure the current doesent take it away?
I have one of those square blue traps..
i would say its a good idea.... I clip a cannonball on my string.... about 5ft or so from the trap... same idea with prawn strings!!
Don't you worry about the trap sitting on its side or upside down with a gate opened?. I would think that the cannon ball will go down first dragging the trap behind it with the risk of it not sitting right on the bottom. What do think?
2lbs of rebar and attach to the inside of the trap with black nylon electrical ties , sit over your traps for 1 to 2hrs and B.S. , the world is not like it used to be!


Fortunately, we can see our trap from the cabin.....

Unfortunately, all we can do is watch as it is "checked" for us by boats much faster than my cartopper.

A guy that stays in the cabin next to ours saw his trap being "checked" once. He pulled out his potato gun (lobs whole potatoes with a BANG). Took aim and fired. There was no way the potato would make it even close to the guy "checking" his trap, but that didn't matter. From his perspective, he saw a large black object being pointed at him making a loud bang with splashes in the water. He dropped the trap and took off. :)