Numbers update for chinook:
Subject: Preliminary final numbers
Here are the preliminary final numbers for the 2008 Cowichan Chinook escapement. The FSC and Broodstock numbers are final and unlikely to change, and the natural spawner estimate is near final. Some adjustments to the estimate may happen while the Manuscript report is completed.
FSC 240 adults, 130 jacks
Brood 906 adults, 68 jacks
Natural spawners 1109 adults, 273 jacks
Total escapement 2255 adults, 471 jacks
Other information
25.3% of the jacks were hatchery origin
36% of the Age 3 and 0% of the Age 5 were (Cowichan) hatchery origin. There was one additional cwt from Puntledge Hatchery summer Chinook
Overall, 20% of the adults were hatchery origin
The age structure of the adults was 55.6% age 3, 41.6% age 4 and 2.9% age 5
Steve Baillie
Support Biologist, Georgia Basin Salmon Stock Assessment,
South Coast Area, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
3225 Stephenson Point Road, Nanaimo BC, V9T 1K3
Ph (250) 756-7227 Fax (250) 756-7020 Cell (250) 616 6143
20ft Alumaweld Intruder