cowichan river c@ck$@ck$&s


on saturday, I met up with a couple of friends and we drifted the Cow from Stoltz to Sandy pool. We parked the vehicle on the road at the Sandy pool and upon returning at the end of the drift, we had been broken into. The theives smashed the rear window in the vehicle and took everything we had inside. Now there was nothing showing if you looked inside but our shoes. The b@$t@rds took those along with the vehicle owners manual and a spare jacket I had to wear incase it rained too hard. There was also another truck broken into at the Cedar tree pool. If your driving up Riverbottom road in the morning going fishing and see anyone lurking around tvehicles parked at fishing spots, you may want to stop and see of they are casing out their next hit. I still can't get over the fact they took my shoesd and socks. Just what kind of value do they have?
Sorry to hear that rln. Years ago and elsewhere I had a low life break a vent window and steal a pair of sunglasses and some change. I know how you feel. GLG
That sh$? makes me mad.I drifted it on sat to is was my first time and i parked at the stolz pool then my brother tells me when were already on the boat that people break into trucks all the time.thanks bro when we got back it was fine.when we got there i saw a car whith some young kids in it they left when we pulled in.Sorry to hear that RLN.

PS fishing sucked
shermanator -- any cowie chromers? you gotta send some pics out to poor bastards like me stuck in the interior. -24 yesterday!
ice fishing sucks

last year it was a white cherokee making the rounds on riverbottom.
I feel bad sending Graham pics, it would be torture for me to see them
A white cherokee eh??

Maybe the Chosen one can mistaken them for a Meganzers [:0]

SHerman I will give you H&D's report later today.
sorry to hear that rln, what a **** off, and to take the owners manual. now that there is the definition of ignorant[xx(]
Worst part is I use to live in the area and samething happen to me, but that was 10 years ago. they took spare pair of blue jeans (from under the seat), insurance papers, the manuel, even the spare fuses from the panel in the door. smashed out the rear window. That was from eaglesroost.
Sorry to hear about your stuff. That Sucks. Fishing has a code and those kids should get their asses kicked for breaking that code. Don't mess with others stuff.

Hey When the heck it this river ever going to put out fish this winter. I went out there two week ago and the damn river was very very high
Breaking in at Sandy pool is the place alright. 6-8 years ago was really bad. Guess they are back at it again.

I used to leave all doors unlocked. Glove box open and a letter taped to the door asking them to have the descency to check the doors before they smashed them and that there was nothing to steal.
My only concern was that they would sh$%^t in my truck to spite me.

Knock wood, mine would be the only one out of dozens not hit on the river that day.
Time to get somebody to sit in the bushes at Sandy with a six pack and a baseball bat... If we put together a nice ground blind right by the parking lot on a Saturday morning, I bet we could catch the thieves before noon [}:)]
just take the main wire to the distribitor cap with you when you leave the car open like that.