Cowichan blockages?

  • Thread starter Thread starter whitewater_cowboy
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Does anyone know of any blockages on the Cowichan from Stoltz to Duncan RV? Just curious if any new sweepers have come down since last spring that might make getting through impossible. Thanx.
Hey Cowboy I've drifted stoltz to vimy and it's all clear. The pullout at vimy is pretty crappy though. The city put a bunch of big rocks on the launch to stop the bank from eroding and so it makes it hard to pull out a glass boat on that slope now without scratching the crap out of it!!
Chosen good to hear from you... Good to see your out scouting early. Thanks for the update. Where is Hyde n seek has he been out ??
Hello Fins and Chosen one :)

Christmas and work and no fishing at least until after the new year! Save me some chromers boys [:p]:D

Thanx for the feedback, Chosen One. See ya on the flow. If anyone has any info. on the lower stretch, from Vimy down, that would be appreciated as well. I really hate swimming at this time of year...losing my gear, the boat. The first run of the year is always a thrill waiting to see how things changed from last year...keeps me on the edge of my seat! Never commit to a run you can't see, scout first and problems, like those encountered by a couple fellas at Holt Cr. last year, can be avoided. Bring on another winter on the Cowichan!
Well sais WW Cowboy!!I had a jumper out of my boat yesterday in port fortunately it ended well!!Pretty funny actually!The cowie is far more dangerous than the stamp though and the worst part is most guys drifting it havent a clue how bad it can be!poppa Swiss you ready too drift or what?