I'm from the Fraser Valley, but was fortunate to be in the area, so I attended the meeting for Area 14. I must admit I was surprised at how few rec fishers attended, but I do realize that the time of the meeting would be difficult for the working people. Still, I met a couple of people who had taken time off of work to attend.
It was a pleasure to meet the individuals who volunteer their time for the rec fishers of the area. A hard working. dedicated group for sure.
The meeting started at 9:30 and ended at 12:45. with no breaks! Much was on the agenda for the meeting, the last being halibut, in order for Chuck Ashcroft, to complete a conference call, and then begin and participate in the halibut discussion. I am glad I attended, as it was very informative, and gave me insight as to why decisions were made and made quickly.
Some DFO options on the table for halibut limits were, leave limits alone, and close season when Rec Tac is reached, change limits to 1/1, change limits to 1/2 with one under 83 cms, close season during summer months, etc... Only two options look like they may extend the season. and they would be 1/1 and 1/2 with one under 83 cms.
So....why did the SFAB want to opt to extend the season, rather than just leave things they way they are......well...not to appease the guides. SFAB did not want the season to be shut down too early, as they did not want any sports user group to start purchasing quota from the commercial sector. This would be a disastrous trend that was set up by DFO, and if they see it being used successfully, well.....not sure how you feel about paying another user group to harvest a sports caught Canadian resource.....but I know I don't want to go down that road. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the sport's halibut fishery, will remain open much longer than last year.
Now, what was the rush to push this through? Fishing licenses!! Yep! Decisions were made quickly so they could have the licenses show the changes, in time for April 1. There are still tidal licenses, that are sold at retail outlets, so it was imperative to get them printed and out to the stores by the end of March. Check your old licenses...you will see your halibut limits at the bottom. Funny, I had never noticed that before.
So...that's what I got out of the meeting. I'm not saying that I agree with the decisions or like the idea of the speed and what some of us perceived as the secrecy of the process, but now I understand why things were done the way they were. No conspiracies, just a group doing what they felt was right for the sporties. I feel it would have been nice that all sporties had been consulted, not just a guides group...maybe in a town hall meeting format...but apparently there was no time. Another option, would be to let DFO make the decision on their own, and then we would have a united sports fishery up in arms at DFO, instead of the split in the recreational sector. A split as shown on this board.
Anyhow, that's what I got out of the meeting and my 2 cents worth.