Cougar sighting

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dirtdog67
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Just letting the boy's know that there is a cougar hanging around the Eagle rock - Stamp store area.. Ran into a guy this morning that was saying he was confronted by the young cat about four days ago. He said it was acting rather aggressive.. As we hiked out in the fresh skim of snow we noticed that he had come up behind us while we had our backs to the bush.. Looking at the size of his tracks he/she is a young one and we know how they can be when they get hungry.. Keep your ears and eyes open until the snow lifts on the hills..-dirty
what, you dirty, lowerin yourself to hikin into the river , must have been fishin with slik,LOL, anyway dude give me a shout over the holidays or i will try to get a hold of you, if we dont talk have a good Xmas,