Continued Debate on Canada's Government

quote:Originally posted by SerengetiGuide

quote:Originally posted by chris73

Very sad to hear that Serengeti, indeed. :( I cincerely hope for all of us there will be others.

Maybe you need more than 2 courses in climatology.

Ah ya...I guess the professors phD's are no good either eh. 2 > 0, enough said. It's sad how gullible many are to what they hear in the media...


You are so right Serengeti! People will believe a talking head with no research or consideration of dissenting opinions. Bottom line...doesn't matter what Canada does. We contribute 2% of total global CO2 emissions. If we cut down to zero and revert to the stone age, China's increase this year immediately wipes out our reduction. Wring your hands, cry and moan, throw your money in a Fed. Ex envelope and send it to India. It just don't matter. We aren't going to fix this. (If it's actually caused by man) BTW this doesn't mean I enjoy the stink from my 2 stroke engine. Damn thing just won't wear out though!

Disco down

Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.
Thomas Jefferson
Global warming is real, but sadly we will not be able to stop it. Our whole system depends on growth and consumption. For every person who reduces their carbon imprint there are 2 or 3 more being born to eliminate that effort and add more to the problem. Until we put a lid on the overall human population and the demands everyone of us puts on the is a downhill slide.
Reporters are assigned stories to report. Their editors & news directors pick the stories you are going to get pounded by. Good news makes lousy news.

Hysteria builds interest, garners eyeballs & ears. That's what advertisors pay for.

You will hear the spin in the news that will get people in a lather & sell advertsing.

The poli's look at the polls before they pick what they support. They are ruled by whatever fear the media paints them with.

Their spin doctors, and the spin doctors for the NGO-enviro groups all twist, subvert and re-make history and choose the facts to fit their spin.

Life as we know it was forged in a primordial stew of sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, oxygen & steam spewing about, tempered by who knows how many ice-ages, and poof, here we are.

Either that, or God dropped us in for a temporary visit, Aliens dropped us here because there grew too many to carry & feed, or we're simply an experiment to see how long we can tolerate each other before, like rats, we start biting each other in the back.

Perfection is unattainable, as every time we get what we thought would be perfect, the bar moved. Democracy is perfect, except people learn they can vote themselves largesse and other dumb crap that simply destroys democracy and drives us back into the anarchy of the bully-boys. Today's bully-boys are social theorists who believe self-responsibility and approximately true history are for those who are... to quote SuZZi, crimnals who should be thrown in jail.

The enviros & PETA were quoted in the TC a couple weeks ago, in a story about lab-grown fish cells and pork-cells, which multiply & grow into bare meat in petrie-dishes, fat & grisle-free... "This is a good, socially-responsible alternative to natural meat because it does not distress animals, and takes no farmland to grow the protein, thus is good for the environment, and is healthier for consumers..." Yes, that's right... Soylent green, and it's already being served to you today by commercial enterprises, as noted in the paper. Frankly, I'd prefer farmed salmon.

Merry Christmas to all.
You gotta get off that moonshine, dude! Not good for you!

The only thing we Canadians were actually good at and recognized for has been taken away now by the lousy feds - the image of the good, caring and nice Canadian. Now we are just as unimportant, filthy and ignorant liars like Americans and the other rest. But at least they all have something else to shine with. We don't. Thanks Harper & Co. [xx(]
Re Canadian troops in Afghanistan: I think the saddest, most disturbing interview I remember seeing is a Canadian reporter talking to the Russian equivalent of a sergeant major at an Afghan War veterans get together in Moscow. (This was at the beginning of Canada's involvement,(the Liberals put us there BTW!)and there was a lot of high falutin talk of modernizing Afghan society, rights of women, Canadian politicians at the time) The reporter asked this Russian vet what he thought of Canadian involvement.. The old soldier, he didn't care about the politics, just the soldiers. His answer was "a lot of good Canadian boys are going to die for nothing...Don't do it." I must agree with this old vet--what is our exit strategy? What are our goals? During our time there the Taliban has reestablished itself over much of the country while our men and women come home in boxes. This is success? Don't get me wrong--I think our men and women over there deserve the best equipment and support we can give them but I disagree with them being there at all. So far I haven't heard one argument supporting our being there that isn't a version of "We're there because we're there."

No Rigours
Troops weren't sent to fight the Taliban. Important to remember that Canadian were also killed on 911. Bin Laden is the target, when the Taliban chose to protect and hide him they wrote their name on the target list. The wacko fundamentalists brought the war to North America in addition to other Western targets. They won't leave us alone if we leave them alone. I'm not in favor or war but I don't see any alternative when the enemy is sworn to wipe your culture off the planet. They aren't interested in compromise, death is the method of dealing with infidels.

To calmsea: That kind of racism would have your butt in huge trouble if you directed it at anyone other than our closest and friendliest neighbor. You must of have had a few of those moonshine shots before you typed out that deranged crap.

Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.
Thomas Jefferson
On the Afghan issue, look no further than the brave young man who was killed today, who said and I quote, "All of us here [including me] are not worried about this extension. We all believe in what we're doing." It is clear that our brave soldiers who are on the front lines and seeing the change there would know a hell of a lot more than anyone on here or any journalist writing from a desk in Montreal or anywhere else in Canada.

May all our men be safe overseas during this holiday season.

To Serengeti and Disco, you read and understand facts. Our freedoms and rights were bought by the blood of those who make it a career of defending and protecting the rights and freedoms of those who wish to live in peace.
The olive branch has been extended many times after those who wish to force a tyranical rule upon a peace loving society have been beaten in battles fought in other lands. I do not always agree with decisions made, but the freedom to think freely has been earned by the sacrifice of those willing to defend them.
The minute they come home and tell us they do not belong there then I want then out and back home, until then they should be free to do what they have trained for.
For those who disagree with this remember who fought for those rights and I salute them.[8D]

ATTN:Disco-FYI-the Taliban government agreed to hand over bin Laden if they were provided with "proof and evidence" of his involvment. S.o.S C.Powell said the U.S. would make its case against OBL but recanted days later.even the FBI's Rex Tomb explained later that no indictment or charges were forthcoming in the case due to no hard evidence.go check the FBI website,don't take my word.Lastly, tell me why wage a 9 year war in Afghanistan when the alledged hijackers and mastermind are from Saudi Arabia? I support the troops but not the bogus mission...
ATTN:Disco-FYI-the Taliban government agreed to hand over bin Laden if they were provided with "proof and evidence" of his involvment. S.o.S C.Powell said the U.S. would make its case against OBL but recanted days later.even the FBI's Rex Tomb explained later that no indictment or charges were forthcoming in the case due to no hard evidence.go check the FBI website,don't take my word.Lastly, tell me why wage a 9 year war in Afghanistan when the alledged hijackers and mastermind are from Saudi Arabia? I support the troops but not the bogus mission...
Originally posted by bacKlash

ATTN:Disco-FYI-the Taliban government agreed to hand over bin Laden if they were provided with "proof and evidence" of his involvment. S.o.S C.Powell said the U.S. would make its case against OBL but recanted days later.even the FBI's Rex Tomb explained later that no indictment or charges were forthcoming in the case due to no hard evidence.go check the FBI website,don't take my word.Lastly, tell me why wage a 9 year war in Afghanistan when the alledged hijackers and mastermind are from Saudi Arabia? I support the troops but not the bogus mission...
Thanks bacKlash. I believe that public safety is more important than playing lawyer games with burden of proof, evidence etc. Bin laden has sworn to do all in his power to erase western culture from the globe. This is what his religion directs him to do. We all know that no amount of evidence would have persuaded the Taliban to hand over the maniac, they support him in his efforts! I find it strange that you take issue with the pursuit of OBL. You have identified the 911 guys as Saudis. OBL is also Saudi. This isn't about chasing people of a certain nationality. These people have a religious ideology that directs them. OBL is seen as the leader. BTW they see you the same as the Americans and would kill you just as quick. I hope you you don't think that Canada or any other western culture is immune from attack! Did you ever see the video clip of Daniel Pearl's execution? That should be required viewing for anyone who takes issue with the west's pursuit of the fundamentalist murderers.

In any event I do appreciate your comments and well researched reply. I believe this is the appropriate way to exchange ideas whether we agree or not.

Disco down

Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.
Thomas Jefferson
Originally posted by bacKlash

ATTN:Disco-FYI-the Taliban government agreed to hand over bin Laden if they were provided with "proof and evidence" of his involvment. S.o.S C.Powell said the U.S. would make its case against OBL but recanted days later.even the FBI's Rex Tomb explained later that no indictment or charges were forthcoming in the case due to no hard evidence.go check the FBI website,don't take my word.Lastly, tell me why wage a 9 year war in Afghanistan when the alledged hijackers and mastermind are from Saudi Arabia? I support the troops but not the bogus mission...
Thanks bacKlash. I believe that public safety is more important than playing lawyer games with burden of proof, evidence etc. Bin laden has sworn to do all in his power to erase western culture from the globe. This is what his religion directs him to do. We all know that no amount of evidence would have persuaded the Taliban to hand over the maniac, they support him in his efforts! I find it strange that you take issue with the pursuit of OBL. You have identified the 911 guys as Saudis. OBL is also Saudi. This isn't about chasing people of a certain nationality. These people have a religious ideology that directs them. OBL is seen as the leader. BTW they see you the same as the Americans and would kill you just as quick. I hope you you don't think that Canada or any other western culture is immune from attack! Did you ever see the video clip of Daniel Pearl's execution? That should be required viewing for anyone who takes issue with the west's pursuit of the fundamentalist murderers.

In any event I do appreciate your comments and well researched reply. I believe this is the appropriate way to exchange ideas whether we agree or not.

Disco down

Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.
Thomas Jefferson
Hey Disco, maybe lack of pursuit of bin Laden is what i take issue with.let me quote Bush43 on the whereabouts of one Osama bin Laden- "I don't know where he is.I have no idea and i really don't care.It's not that important,it's not our priority" March 13-2002. don't forget that Al-Qaeda was trained,armed and funded by the CIA to fight a proxy war against the Soviets.Also the Bush-bin laden business connections (Arbusto energy,Carlyle group) have gone on for 20+ years.Valuable insight can be gained by reading Zbigniew Brzezinski's "the Grand Chessboard" -American primacy and it's geostrategic imperatives- Sadly,this war has more to do with Geo-politics,pipelines and opium than anything else...that aside,Happy New year,Sir!