I’ve heard him called a racist. I’ve heard him called arrogant and loose with the facts. I call him the only believable and AVAILABLE guy in the neighborhood who actually seems to give a shiat about these iconic fish. It is stunning to me how few people read his blog posts either on this site or on his own site. Like you could count on one hand?????
He spends a huge amount of his time fighting on behalf of IFS fish. There is NOT ANOTHER SOUL fighting that fight ....meanwhile...the guy is in his 70’s....it’s tragic that there is NOBODY coming in behind him to continue fighting the good fight
When I read about some of the RT discussions that take place with your so-called sport-fish rec sector representatives who are purported to rarely if ever bring up the word ”steelhead” at those RT meetings, that says it all for me. Nobody seems to give a shiat about these fish, nobody seems to even dare to offend the guys on the other end of the table. From my vantage point, when you have professional salt chuck guides at those RT meetings, its no wonder the word steelhead isn’t even mentioned....might cut into their spring quotas?
I stopped off in the T-canyon a week ago on the way south from Skeena country. The river is the lowest Ive ever seen it....I could see Boulder-patches going way out into the river....prime holding water.....In the good old days, absolutely I would have seen a fish roll in that spot tail end of October.
I stayed there for 2 hours, sitting on a rock with the dog...waiting—-but no....it was a biological desert....no movement...no nothing....it breaks my heart that BC let that resource slither through its reconciliatory fingers in exchange beat up pieces of chum, the resource of which is not that far behind suffering the same demise of the ISF
The way DFO administrates that in-river GN fishery with their “rolling closures” with zero FN accountability for IFS bycatch makes me sick to my stomach