

Active Member
Been out targeting Coho last three trips,poor results. Today fished hard 4hrs. Used to get them in July right through the fall. If you say Oct is better, then what? Wheres the summer runs? I wish DFO would come out with info/report re this matter.
Tons of Coho on the West side. Is it possible that the Coho just aren't hanging around on the inside because of the warmer water in the Strait of Georgia? And when they do actually come in they wait until October and then head straight up the rivers?
What do you mean by tons?

Port Renfrew is usually red hot this time of year and there are very few fish.

My trip up to Milbanke showed me the seriousness of the situation, very very few Coho to be seen anywhere, my best estimate is less than 5% of what I'd normally catch</u>.
quote:Originally posted by Dogbreath

What do you mean by tons?

Port Renfrew is usually red hot this time of year and there are very few fish.

My trip up to Milbanke showed me the seriousness of the situation, very very few Coho to be seen anywhere, my best estimate is less than 5% of what I'd normally catch</u>.

Bang on Dogbreath. Something is wrong. I'm sure of it. There are few Coho the coast over, and the Charlottes reported slower numbers this year. The west coast was BLEEP, and the Cap River is a good indicator of BLEEP.

So far Springs are BLEEP for the fall season around Vancouver. Sooke had some decent fishing, it died. Bamfield/Ucluelet reported mediocre fishing at best.

I say poor habitat survival is looming large at this point unless a miracle happens.
its the friggen short sightness logging all the water sheads killing off the salmon bearing streams thats the problem first the commercial fishery then the sport fishing then wale watching will go cause there won't be any wales around chasing the salmon

the govt greed is to blame encouriging the companies to rape the land for todays profit don't worry about tommorow for the govt understands tommorow never comes
I think the whole season is a big concern 'otter'. I said that a while back in one of my other posts. It will be very interesting to see what DFO has to say on the final numbers at the end of the season. Expect a knee jerk reaction to low numbers and more closures next year:(
We fished Bamfield a two weeks ago and we could not keep the coho off the lines but we where 25 miles off shore we did not catch any in shore. Lets hope that they are just waiting on some rain there is no way they can make it up some of the rivers. I know on the Washington side they just started coming in the past week after we had some rain.
IMO, "northern" coho in Sooke peak (normally) around the 10th of October in JDFS, and with much lower then average rainfall, this may be the second half of the month this year (keep our fingers crossed). As for Reny, I'm hoping they're a bit behind as well. I'm dipping for three days this weekend and if "I" don't get many, then there is a

As for the summer hoes, I haven't seen them in #'s in Sooke since the mid '90's. That is surely a downward trend that continues.

Also seems like the fish travelling through Sooke of late are very deep and likely never see a flasher.

Just my 2 bits.
Not a new concern, as you all know.
I grew up on ECVI, fishing the Winchelsea - Ballenas area. Until the early 90s, there was a great coho fishery from May through the middle of October. I know there has been a lot of habitat destruction (especially the small streams preferred by coho), but I'm hoping the main factor is the warmer weather over the past few years (not necessarily just due to Global Warming...there have been weather cycles like this since the begining of time).
That being said, I'm not entirely naive and after moving back from Edmonton were I spent the last several years(those of you who live on VI have no idea how lucky you are until you live in a place like Edmonton!), I have volunteered for the stream keepers. Organizations such as that need the support and donations of as many concerned anglers as possible.
Spent all day at it on Sat. with a seasoned board member and my Pa.

Worked from Port all the way to Cape Beal. 14 Hours of fishing for NA DA.

Does not look good there, and I'm sure the ongoing spring openings for the commercial sector that is allowing bycaught coho to be retained is not helping much.
I'm down here in Puget Sound. Normally this is the peak time for Coho here. It's horrible right now. However, there seems to be Coho here, I'm marking lots of fish on the sounder. I here the same thing from everyone here, that they're marking fish but they are non-biters. They seem to have lock jaw. We just had the big Everett Coho Derby and close to 3000 fisherman weighed in only 330 Coho for TWO</u> days. That's bad!!! I fished both days and got two 4 lbers on Saturday (wow!!) and skunked Sunday. On Sunday we never saw a net out all morning out of a couple of hundred boats close to us. Something is really wrong this year. Everything is out of wack. The runs all year have been late down here as well as up there. Now they are lock jawed to boot. Anybody have any ideas? Is it the warm water etc?

That sounds terrible I put the boat up early this year. It seems year after year possession and point no point are usually pretty hot this time of the year. Last year we did great in Sept and Oct.. What type of setups where you fishing with? When they seem to not be biting we always went back to anchovies with a spin head. I know those dog fish are always out there but what can you do. I had fished in the canal a few weeks ago and there where a lot of fish in and we picked up a couple of nice kings.
Slabby/Joe-Thanks for the input.
It's more than just anecdotal data, it's real time info from people who fish the same stocks in the same way.
Look what happened on the East coast. The fish stocks collapsed do to miss management and over fishing. What do they do after... set up off shore oil drilling, Hibernia. We are not far away from that on the West Coast... We are following suit to the East coast. There is all ready pressure to lift the moratorium to off shore drilling on the West coast.
Another warning sign... I have been fishing surf smelt at Port Renfrew all my life.. Every summer you will do well... on a bad day you will still get some.. well. this year the smelt never showed up!!!.. I've been monitoring reports of fellow friend who tried time and time again all summer long and all have been getting skunked smelt fishing!!! I have never ever experience this or heard such a thing. When the smelt runs are collapsing, first time I ever seen this happen at Port Renfrew.. This has to be a major warning sign!! Does DFO really give a shiit?? What do they Do?? Nothing.. more miss management of our fish stocks... Bring on the off shore drilling for oil like the East Coast.. Hibernia here we come! LOL..

Thank for the advise about trying anchovies. I've been running all my hootchie setups (green Hornet, swedes awesome, apple core, glow white, army truck) that have worked for years with no luck other than an occasional strike. I've tried the Coho Killer and Coyote spoons. I've run cut plugs and whole herring. I've thrown the tackle box at them. I've also been using the new Silver Horde Ace Hi Fly's. Had one decent day on the Ace Hi's but nothing since. If you haven't seen or used the Ace Hi's, take a look at them. They look great in the water with a lot of reflection off the mylar material.

This year is different. Finding the schools doesn't mean catching fish like it usually does. Very frustrating. I'll try some chovies on Saturday.

Good luck to all. I love this site and all the advice and participation. Great place to exchange info.
Hi all, i good friend of mine just got back from sekiu yesterday.he said they averaged about 25 per dayfor 4 days, but only kept five.The reason was there were few clipped fin fish to be had.sekiu is probabally straight across from sooke on the wa. side.Fish the middle of the straight and you should find them.good luck
hey rock,
i have some friends who did really well on smelt this year in renny, i believe it was earlier in the summer, but they live there so have an advantage of being there at a moments notice, maybe just bad timing for you , not sure just a thought
That's the first positive note I heard for smelt at Port Renfrew this year. Good to hear that they did show up at least once earlier in the season. I only fished it once this summer, our group had 4 nets out all day long ebb/flood, skunked not even one stray smelt! I had many friends who fished it all summer long.. every body was getting skunked... When did that first run show up, April/May/June? Defiantly not like it once was years ago! Used to spin cast off the beach while the nets were out, used to catch Skate, Coho, Springs, Huge perch! at night Monster Dog fish/shark to 35lbs! Last few years I tried spin casting like I all ways have.. can't even catch a small Perch there any more!!! Good to hear the smelt showed up at least once early in the season, but that's just a small fraction of what that run should be! Looking at the big pictures its pretty distressful what is happening to our fish stocks.