Comox / Campbell River Report


Active Member
Spent the whole day on the water fished sentry shoals the hump and the lighthouse. Lots of needle fish at wilby shoals where I caught one undersized but that was the only salmon I caught. There were so many needle fish, they were getting hooked on the gear. I can't speak for Blue Orca but spent a few hours trolling out at sentry shoals within sight of him and then I left for the light house. What a fantastic day on the water <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Cheers ME

Happy Hookin!!!
One Spring at 14 lbs today and the prawns are just getting bigger and bigger (and deeper too)

Man I wish I could have gotten out today but I'm a little under the weather! DOH DI anybody else manage to sneak out and catch a few hours on the old chuck with any success? I've also been talking to a few old guys around the area and they seem to think that the Comox area should have a lot of halibut just waiting to be fished after all these years! Any oppinions on that?


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Hi guys Been fishing the light on the morning ebb tides.There have been a few fish there. But you got to work for them. Mainly hitting flasher and spoons. Last hour of tide seems to be the best. Good Luck Snowwhite
Fished the morning Ebb the other day at the light for 5 hours and saw to springs caught and that was it! Didn't even have a sniff onmy rods and didn't see any other fish being played or lost. That's not very good odds considering that there was probably 20 boats there! Oh well I guess you just have to keep on keeping on!! Any news from anyone else on these areas?

SW Cowboy

I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
It has slowed down for fish at the light the last couple of days.But there still is the odd one there. The seals are also very brave. Had one grab my fish when it was in the net . But it let go after a little tug of war. goodluck Snowwhite
Any updates from the weekend warriors who got out in this area? Would love to here something positive about fishing aorund here!! I can only go to the west coast so much!!


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Could use alittle info on the fishing info for the area! Like Capbell river, Comox, Hornby etc... I have a few people coming into town and would love to go where it's fishing the best to give them there best shot at a salmon! Info appreciated in advance!!


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Sorry didn't reply sooner been swamped not much time for the net<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>Was down south of Denman and Hornby last Wednesday. Launched at comox long run but was a great day for it. Ran into two boats in lambert channel both said don't waste your time trolling the algee bloom was so bad(they were jigging or mooching). Decided to go on the outside of flora up to the whaleing station saw two hooked not by me <img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>but also so them lost due to algee clogging up the top eyes of their rods. Was also checked quite extensivly by dfo as I rounded the corner of flora headed towards norris rock still with gear down. Didn't make me pull up the gear but wanted to see inside the coolers plus much much more over 10 minutes worth and yes, we checked out ok. As much as it was a pain in the +++ they are just doing their jobs and they were nice about it. I hear try kitty 160 to 180 shelf with white hootchies. Just an opion

Cheers ME <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Happy Hookin!!!
Came back from Sonora/Stuart Island area and fished for 1 & 1/2 days up Bute inlet. Caught several chinook in Moe creek area, quite a few boats heading farther up the inlet to Orford Bay. Fishing can be spotty in Bute but a beautiful place to fish if you do not mind the boat ride to get there.
The fishing around here sucks! It's just a waste of gas and tackle! Thank god I love being on the water anyway! West Coast here I come, you can close the whole inside for 5 years for all I care we need to get the stocks back up!


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Sad state, I remember being 6 -18 years old, going out of Pacific Village marina in Mud bay with the old man and running out to chrome Isl. Drop the gear off chrome, jig the ol' 1 oz green norweign perkin and Bam!!! Non stop action on the ebb between bowser and Chrome. We called it the flats. Then we would run over to eagle rock and again jig 20 feet off the rocks for more nice slimy springs. Then The ol' man would get thirsty and blast down Lambert to the Hornby pub. Quick lunch and then off to Norris, Heron Rocks or pop to Barry Thornton's Favorite saltwater flyfishing Kelp Bed off Lil' Tribune Bay. Other days were Flora isl and unbeatable coho fishing off whaling station bay. Then it was back to shore to catch the high tide Sea-run cutts or stomp the banks of Coal creek! That was the life... By the sounds of things, those days have come and gone.
Fishing has been very spotty on the inside. Out Monday and picked up two keepers, (14 and 16 1/2) but saw nothing else boated. Just got lucky I guess. Both had stomachs full of needle fish, so there seems to be lots of feed for them. Caught both near the end of the ebb between Cape Mudge and the marker doing the drift thing. One on anchovie and one on a prawn needle fish hootchie with a U/V jelly fish flasher. Keep your gear small and deep and fish the edge of the troughs. Once the tide starts to flood, you may as well pick up and call it a day.
Next week starting Monday should be better as the tides aren't so radical as this week has been. Hope this helps.

Any more news? I know the weather's been the pits but somebody must have snuck out!


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Any more news? I know the weather's been the pits but somebody must have snuck out!


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Hi Saltwatercowboy Been fishing mainly up north of CampbellRiver due to the weather. Theres been the odd spring caught up there but nothing fantastic. Did manage to fish the light yeasterday morning before the storm hit. Lots of fish hit but also lots of seals takening fish.The fish seemed to be not to pickey on what gear you were yousing spoons bait hoochies plugs hope that helps Tight lines Snowwhite
Hi Saltwatercowboy Been fishing mainly up north of CampbellRiver due to the weather. Theres been the odd spring caught up there but nothing fantastic. Did manage to fish the light yeasterday morning before the storm hit. Lots of fish hit but also lots of seals takening fish.The fish seemed to be not to pickey on what gear you were yousing spoons bait hoochies plugs hope that helps Tight lines Snowwhite
Heading out tomorrow off the tip of Flora island! It's a 7:42am tide change so don't have to be up to early! has anyone been out these last few fabulous days? Any news on that area? Thanks


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Heading out tomorrow off the tip of Flora island! It's a 7:42am tide change so don't have to be up to early! has anyone been out these last few fabulous days? Any news on that area? Thanks


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
Was out all day yesterday and not a sniff on the morning tide but decided to stay for the afternoon tide and hiot a 14lb spring on a white hoochy. So all in all it was a great day! It was hot and sunny and flat calm and man could that fish fight! It was probably the most fun I've had with a fish that small! I was behind Flora island off the tip of Hornby in a 150 feet of water and down 130 feet. Hope this helps someone else! Fish on....... the BBQ!! haha


I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!