Comox Area Fishing

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I used to live in Comox area and have recently moved back. Fished all the time at Bates Beach, King Coho, Cape Lazo and Comox Bell Buoy areas. Never see any boats out anymore. Does anyone still fish these areas? If so any recommendations as to where to go to catch salmon. See lots of boats at Cape Mudge - but not comfortable fishing this area yet in my small 14 ft.
I have fished Comox for many years and have found the constant place I hook fish is off Flora Isld. outside edge 90-120ft lines 10 ft off bottom using armytruck hoochies. Also off of King Coho in 200 ft lines down 120 same set-up. I fished out of a 14ft Mirro craft lots of fun. I have done well at the bell buoy with 5 inch Buzz Bombs when the bait is around.
Good Luck[8D]
Tried Flora Island and Whaling Stn Bay this morning.Not so much as a sniff. Seven other boats out there as well and did not see a single fish caught. Kind of disappointing that with the sea conditions being flat calm that I saw only 1 coho "jumper" the entire time I was out there.
Well it's that time of year hot one day not the next with the fish pushing through. It has been better then average this year for most of the east side of the island and already a good showing of coho which is a first for years. Considering how hot it has been in Campbell River @ the lighthouse and now North of Campbell River is picking up we should start seeing more fish from Kitty Coleman to Flora as these fish move South.

Cheers ME
[8D][V]Im thinking of running up north, nay hot spot's around browns bay area? If I don't come home with fish this time wife will sell the boat and gear,THIS IS NOT A JOKE! So if anyone can help me out I would be thankfull.
Hey Skunked: You might want to try the hump about two miles out off Kitty Coleman. There are some morning high tides this week that should give up a few springs. Maybe even a hatchery coho or two. When you locate the hump it will be about i60 to 190 feet. Keep your riggers about ten feet off bottom. You could try purple haze flasher with a purple haze hootchie or a tiger prawn by radiant. I hear spoons work good out there but must bow to those who know. Try a search on this sight, there's tons of info. Good Luck and hope you keep your boat.;) eman
Always Skunked / Jimmydog feel free to email me anytime I live in Comox and fish the area alot and am in the loop of many that do the same. As eaglemaniac has stated Kitty Coleman is usaully a good area to fish and for your size of boat it's an easy launch right there and only a few minutes to the fishing grounds. As for lures I run the glow tiger prawn / purple haze / white and white with red stripe hootchies and for spoons I use a 5" or 6" Tomic 500 or 602. I fish 180' to 200' right on bottom bouncing my cannon balls in the mud.
myescape have you tried around hornby and denman lately? im going to hornby on the 21st of this month:)some good ideas where to start fishing at? i heard flora is good but dont know where that is[xx(]
Fished the Flora tach for a couple of hours Monday to no avail. Saw nothing happening either, so we ran up to Pt. Holmes.

My first time trying there, and no luck, but at least marked a little bait whereas nothing down at Flora.

Wondering where to try this weekend as a couple of hurtin Albertans are arriving tomorrow night.

Was thinking of giving Kitty a go...
Wind looks bad in the forecast, could be a window on Saturday. Will have the radio turned on. There were lots of fish 2 weeks ago but have I have been skunked last 2 times out. Good Luck all.
I'm going to bed dreaming of big springs and no seals. I hate them buggers. See you out on the hump. I'll be the guy in the twelve foot Lund, boppin seals with my whrist rocket. I need more power!!!! eman
Saturday or Sunday will the wind die down. Got to learn this post a pic thing.

next one will be better i hope
Will be heading out of Comox at 9am to catch the tide change @ noon osama bin hopper meeting up so we'll both be on the hump by 10am monitoring channel 16 call us. My name is big and bold both sides of my boat plus the tunes can be heard from miles. LOL

Cheers ME
Here is one for Sunday. Keep in mind that this is a wind perdiction only. As of Friday night July 6, 2007. Better to be standing on shore wishing you were fishing than fishing out there wishing you were standing on shore.
