Commercial Hali Fishing Video

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fishinforfun
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No life in the fish when they are brought aboard. Hali's go nuts when pulled out of the water. (They've probably been on the lines for several days) It's life I guess for these poor things. (The video shows one small one being thrown back, but the video has been editted, so think of all the small ones going back, DEAD. (CRAZY)!
If you feel bad you should never sportfish again! Ever think what happens to rockcod, yellow eyes and the such released while sport hali fishing? I have seen a trail of floaters behind lodge boats, so what is the diff? What about the countless undersized chinook released in Nov. off Sooke? Does this make you sick? Look at some of the archives on this forum during Nov. Dec. If you fish there is going to be incidental bycatch and dead fish going to the bottom regardless of the method.
The little ones "showed" being released swam away fine. That looks like a good workout being the gaffer.
yea no kidding!
sport fishing guides throw away alot too. not as much as comercial boats. but there are way more sports boats then comercial boats. so they do kill lots.
Hah! Oh well. Yah, I never thought of the rock fish that I've pulled up, and it's guts are coming out of it's troat!

Some good videos out there anyways!