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Skinny Dipping

Just wondering. I've fished for springs alot but haven't fished for Coho alot. What do I have to do different? I also had alot of pinks hooking up, How do I keep them off my hooks?
For coho, go short leaders and go fast!. You can almost troll in the boat wash sometines and get hits. A great lure to try is a chrome Apex Hotspot in the 3.5 inch size, troller behind a dodger about 2 - 3 feet back, at 3.5 mph. Great fun.

where are you hooking pinks ?
very few on the west coast this year.
pinks and coho frequent the same water column
so there's not much you can do to keep them off
I was hooking the Pinks in Kitimat around the last week of July. Do the Coho like anchovis on teaser heads or should I be using spons and hoothies? For best results should I use a flasher?
Speaking of Coho,my fav fishing. Years ago every summer Qualicum area.Bucktailing on the surface,30-40 pulls,a **** colored bucktail,outfished everything else. Beautiful Coho close to shore,flood tide. If clarity of water good see schools of frantic needle fish,Im talking 10 ft of water. Found a similar Bucktail,yellow,will try it here. Keep you posted.

Forget the chovies! Hootchies and spoons are the ticket for Coho. That way if you miss a hit you're still fishing. No need to re-bait. If the Coho are thick and on the surface, nothing beats bucktailing. Just a kick to watch them hit it and explode on the surface. If the Coho are plentiful and your using riggers, try light line and just a spoon, no flasher. Great fight and action. For shear numbers caught, I don't don't think anything beats a flasher/hootchie setup with a strip on herring on the front hook.

quote:Originally posted by chevyshaulass

no coho???!!!are you talkin ECVI?
Yea i meant ECVI because he said he used to bucktail as did most people years back. Pretty rare for someone to try that now and for them to find anything.
I haven't seen a Coho in three years, Denman to Nanaimo. They are Gone:(
It's odd.... in Washington State, they are under the impression that Coho are more plentiful.

I wonder if that's related to the number of hatcheries down around Puget Sound??
The Coho run has been dismal in the Puget Sound for the last 2 to 3 years. The only thing worse has been the run of Springs. It's been non-existent!

I've fished Coho at Kitimat. The end of July tends to be a little early for the run I think. Runs have been coming in later the last few years. They'll start into the river when the late summer fall rains come. Before that they'll be moving up the channel. Last year they were schooled up off cleo bay late Aug & into late sept as the river was so low. Fished at 35 feet at 3 to 3.5 knots. I used Anchovie teasers but I'm sure lots will work. No pinks by that time to contend with. They surface a lot then. Lots of locals will drift the big school & cast 4 & 5 Coho spoons on light tackle with great success. Talk to Pat at City Centre Hardware on that. He'll set you straight.
last year in kitimat i caught about 50 coho on one flasher no matter what hoochie. the flasher was a coyote everglow/bucktail