Coho limits in 19-3 and 20-5

Franko Manini

Well-Known Member
Someone just told me that the limit for coho in 19-3 (East of Race Rocks to Oak Bay, west of Trial Island) is 4 per day, 2 of which can be wild aka unmarked for the month of October.

I have searched high and low and cannot find this in the regs. My read is that in that area it is 2 per day, one of which can be unmarked.


Map: 2014 and 2015 coho and chinook openings for Areas 18, 19, 20 and Subareas 29-24 and 29-5, Cowichan to Victoria

Hatchery coho (marked): Coho salmon with a healed scar in place of the adipose fin.
Unless otherwise specified below, the daily limit for coho in Area 20 and Subareas 19-1 to 19-4 is 2 per day, hatchery marked only.

Area 20 and Subareas 19-1 to 19-4, except for the specific area measures noted below: Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2014: 2 coho per day, 1 may be unmarked.

FN0549 2014-06-26

Am I missing something?


MILF (Man, I Love Fishing)
Someone just told me that the limit for coho in 19-3 (East of Race Rocks to Oak Bay, west of Trial Island) is 4 per day, 2 of which can be wild aka unmarked for the month of October.

I don't think so, the way i read the regs,
area 19 is now 2 per day, one of which may be unmarked
area 20 is now 4 per day, one of which may be unmarked
Depends where you are in area 20. "Subarea 20-2 and a portion of Subarea 20-1 (Port San Juan Light): in Subarea 20-2 and a portion of Subarea 20-1 shoreward of a line between a square white boundary sign at Owen Point, the Port San Juan Light and Whistle Buoy, and San Juan Point: Sept. 5 - Dec. 31, 2014: 4 coho per day, 2 may be wild (unmarked)."
Yeah, I saw that if you wanted to head out to Renny, the limits are different. But this guy was talking specifically about fishing around Race Rocks.


MILF (Man, I Love Fishing)
Area 20 (Eastern Portion Only – see full Area 20 notice for additional information on
Western portion, which includes subareas 20-1 to 20-4)
Subarea 20-5 to 20-7, except as
noted below.
Chinook July 19 - Dec 31 2 per day, minimum size
45 cm
Subareas 20-6 and 20-7 [Sooke
Inlet, Sooke Harbour and Sooke
Basin, northerly of a line from
Muir Point to Possession Point]
Chinook Aug 1 - Oct 15 You may not retain
Area 20-5 to 20-7 Coho June 1 – Aug 31 2 per day, hatchery only,
min. 30 cm
Sept 1 – Sept 30 Two (2) per day, one (1)
of which may be
Oct 1 – Dec 31 Four (4) per day, one (1)
of which may be
yeah, what the hell is wrong with Pedder Bay? They were clueless on the whole change to 1/1 at beginning of September too. No excuses for marina's to not know whats going on.
Well I've been thinking about this for a couple of years now so.........In my opinion, we should just take the first 3 coho we catch. Seems counterproductive to me having guys catching and stressing 10-20 wild fish (I've done it) trying to get their 1-3 hatchery. I'm sure we've all seen nets in water then the fish tossed back in. Fishing from Race to Sooke I always seem to catch far more wild than hatchery. So are we really doing the right thing? In addition, I'd even go as far as banning treble hooks and tandem single hooks in the coho fishery in favour of one single Mustad. Would the "law of averages" bring us back to the same conservation result? Just something to think about.........
BROUGHT it up many a time catch the 2 and go home, worse part is half the fish your getting are hatchery they just are not clipped maybe 10% is clipped is what I was told...
The problem is you guys are pounding the stocks just to get your clipped;take your one wild and be done with it.
The problem is you guys are pounding the stocks just to get your clipped;take your one wild and be done with it.

The point they are making is that the rules drive the behaviours of the majority of fishermen. Change the rules, change the behaviour. There is no point in harping on the current actions of the fishers when the regulations support, if not encourage, those actions.

In response to the "unmarked hatchery" I worked for a company that manufactured vaccines for salmon smolts. These vaccines were delivered by inoculating anesthetized salmon at the hatchery or at a fish farm. As a biochemist, I occasionally went to hatcheries when the vaccines were being applied. We had to inject every single fish and the guys clipping fins laughed at us because they only clipped one in 5 fish.

The only reliable ways I am aware of for determining a hatchery from wild fish is DNA (only in certain circumstances where a profile has been kept by the hatchery or one can be traced to a run that has no hatchery service), or through the detection of antibodies that the fish has made in response to the introduction of a vaccine.

I agree with Wolf and Sammy, make it two Coho effective Sept 01
for get the clipped rule and save the fish.
Problem being, forcing us into hatchery as they do, you generally take whatever you are given - most are just happy to see it clipped and in the boat u go, whether 4 pounds or 10 pounds. If fin doesn't matter, all those 4's are going back and its just a different type of sifting - maybe not as drastic as current problem, but still an issue.

While no restriction on a 4 limit probably would mean much less sort as 4-5lbers isn't bad, I think it would be just as much of a problem on a 2 limit any type (at least for non-guiding fishing).
I agree with Wolf and Sammy, make it two Coho effective Sept 01
for get the clipped rule and save the fish.

I have had this discussion many times with peers…. completely agree! I've heard too many stories of guys going out and catching 15-20 wilds in an attempt to get a hatchery. I wonder how many of those released fish don't make it?? I myself have had to throw back a beautiful badly hooked wild coho because I already have my one wild.