In a nutshell...
Move the management of fish farms away from DFO into a separate entity - DFO is in a Direct "
Conflict of Interest" in their current role;
Fish Farm siting to be severely scrutinized, and
removed in any area where there is any reason to perceive they
could negatively impact wild stocks;
The latest changes to the Fisheries Act (especially regarding Habitat) are Problematic and should be revisited - Habitat is
CRITICAL for sustainable fish populations;
DFO Pacific "
must be adequately resourced", especially so Enforcement. Enforcement should be "
scaled up".
More than a little critical of DFO (but did give credit where due to Front Line Troops) as expected. Also critical to some extent of the Harpo Regime regarding the omnibus bills and obscured changes to Habitat & the Fisheries Act.
Many recommendations regarding Directed & Focused Research.
All in all a rather
Fine Job IMHO!
Copies of the Final Report are now online, and can be found here:
It will be
interesting (and likely
Frustrating) to see the
spin Harpo et al's paid
MouthPieces put on this over the next little while. Given their current direction, seemingly completely opposite of what is recommended in the Report - I ain't holding my breath regarding anything remotely resembling Positive Change.
That said,
KUDOS to Cohen for a job rather
Well Done!