Chum fishin in Cambell River

  • Thread starter Thread starter wetbeaver
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I have heard some mixed reports coming from up that way, I forgot to mark on the calendar last year on when I started fishing the chum, I know this year is a little different than last but it would have given a general idea. Has anybody been up there lately, Im going to check the tides because i know that they pretty much tell ya when the fish are coming in. But any info on that area would be appreciated> Was thinking about going this weekend with salty who doesnt even know i have the day off.:D:D
well wet-one looks like your coming to renny then because I talked to tommy and danny and where heading out tomorrow .are you in ?
It's still a bit hit and miss north of Campbell. Last Saturday there was a great bit on the ebb, but I went out again on Wed and only saw two fish caught all day between 15 boats. Commerical Chum fishing begins next week and runs all month so who knows what going to be left when their done.
Is that normal the opening runs all month ?? last year in was on and off was it not?
Yes it seems to be different every year. Last year they had an experimental opening where you chose a time slot of a few days where each commerical boat was only allowed to fish during its slot. This year is seems that it's back to everyone at once. It starts with a Sein fishery next week then 5 dyas of Troll then 3 days of Gill netting, then Troll then Gill Net etc until the end of the month. Kind of makes it hard to figure a good time for us poor recreational fisher men, that spend thousands chasing salmon, to pick a time where we might have a chance!!
Don't get me wrong though they do not commercially fish everyday of the month. They have graciously left Sunday and Monday with no commericial fishing, that way when we go out and don't catch anything we will not see the commerical fleet out there!:D:D