Chum at French Creek

Degree of Freedom

Active Member
On Saturday, after trying the Little Q for one last time this year, we decided to drop our lines in front of French Creek. After about 5 minutes we had a fish on. We were down at 100', before my buddy got the rod out of the holder the fish was on the surface jumping like a crazed coho. Turned out to be a 15 lb chum. I'd heard they fight like coho, but that was my first experience with!

I didn't even know chum could be caught in that it normal?
I seen a couple people catch them last year there, they were still silver.
What is your guys' take on chums? Are they even worth the effort? I havn't found a good way to cook them yet, I always found them very blahh in taste and appearance, but I know there pretty good smoked. Anyone have any special way of preparing chums for the table?
I took some chum to st. jeans to smoke and candy after the chum derby in browns bay I was not impressed with the tast.
wish i had all that stuff in my kitchen, I guess i will have to write all that down and give it a try.sounds good and fancy, have you ever had shaken bake halibut, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

We were using blue and crome 5" coyote (holographic looking thing, can't remember the name) and a purple haze flasher. Apparently sockeye gear is the most common chum rig.
I'm going to give it a try this evening and/or tomorrow morning.

Has anyone heard if any more fish have showed up at the Qualicums? I heard another run was headed down from Courtenay.

I BBQ'd the chum we caught last week. Very pink and firm. Looked a lot like a coho.

It was fantastic. I don't understand all of this chum taste like crap business. We caught chum last year for the first time and enjoyed everything. Catching, eating fresh and smoked, it was all good.

One of the best times I've had fishing.
Will have to wait for another week or two to get back at it to busy. Keep me updated if you dont mind. Marc good fishing this summer? my dad said you had your vacation in aug
Chum and pink's are kinda the same...when they are fresh on the BBQ
they are ok. put them in the freezer for a month and they turn to
dog s*%t
got one, and i use it on springs, sockeye, coho, halibut.
i don't keep many pinks or chum, but even frozen properly
the flesh deteriates quickly.

(just my opinion)
I have to agree with Craven on this one.. they call them "Dog" salmon for a reason. I was thinking maybe it was just the cook who made them taste so blahh, we cooked one literaly out of the water out on a sein boat. It was getting cooked in about 2-3 mins of coming on board, but it didn't even seem to help it. The flesh looked pale and there was no real "taste" to it. Still eatable, but definatly not as good as a well vacum packed spring or coho on the bbq. If you can get your fish flash frozen whole It is by far the best way to keep, better than a vacum bag in the freezer they keep up to two years if you re-glaze them about every 6 months. Kinda weird though just having loose fish lying in your