china creek

is the road into China Creek paved and do you save any time launching there when going out to Barkley or is it just as quick to launch at Port Alberni?
Only good thing about China Creek is the trailer and town vehical are more secure. I was there a few years ago and someone came through and slit 100 tires on trucks and trailer. That was the last time I parked up at the river. Good Luck

joseph battaglino
where they all americans that got their tires slit<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> lol..cause that would explain it right there lol <img src=icon_smile_clown.gif border=0 align=middle>..........just messn around lol **** happens gotta learn to deal with it, ive parked at the river lots..."clutesi haven " and havent had nothin done to truck or trailor.....


Is the name because you dense? :) About 90% of the tire slit where Canadian. In fact I didn't have any slit. Just lucky I guess.
You are right most of the time you will be fine. It is a great place to fish.

joseph battaglino
lol im just messn around with you, if your up my end should give me a shout.....make a trip down canal n get some big hawgs<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>


A little kidding is good for the soul and is not important like fishing. Are you from the Port Alberni area? I really am trying to convice my wife to purcahse a place up there. The prices are still resonable compared to down here. Are you going to the Hali fishing derby the people on here where talking about? That sounded like a blast. I would go but have to boat out of the water and it is too much trouble to put it in for one weekend. Plus I have't finished all my winter honey due list.


joseph battaglino
yeah, i live in town to live in , just got home from fishing not to i dont have a large enough boat to go the summer i should though<img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle>
Steely, How was the fishing? We went up to Barkley sound for 15 years in a row but last two years we have fished out of Neah Bay. It has been great not the size like Barkley but tons of fish. I think we are going to head up to Winter Harbor this year. But sounds like it can be real nasty up there. Have you fished that area? If we get up to that area this year I'll email you if you are free you are more than welcome to come out with us.


joseph battaglino
please watch the weather out there! fog rolled in on me and a buddy last year offshore (thankfully he'd bought a GPS at the start of the trip) and it was pretty spooky gettin back with all the pinnacles and rocks around the mouth of the sound.
How was the fishing at winter harbour? We have a great gps and radar setup so I hope we can make it back. My buddy's boat is metal so hopefully we would bounce off the rocks. Thanks for the warning. Joe

joseph battaglino
battaqlino: what's the fishing like at Neah the middle of July. Where do you stay out there and are you fishing for springs or coho? Is neah better than Seiku at that time of year? Saltspringer
fishing was okay

did manage a 43 on my bday

didnt have huge #'s though, but we were there in a slow/stormy period

mostly coho and the springers are pretty small compared to BC. If we get a 25# it is probably the largest fish of the day for neah bay. You can run way out to Blue Dot which is 30 miles out and they get some BC size springers. The last three years we have catch 30 to 100 silvers a day and we do alot of fishing on the surface with flys. July is defently better in Neah Bay than Sekiu. The best season at Seiku for coho is mid-sept. you can pick alot of silvers above 15lb. We have never done that well for springers at Sekiu. The accomidation at Neah bay are one star on a 10 star scale. We ususally sleep on the boat. If you have any other question email me.


joseph battaglino
Eagle eye,

A 43# is really a great fish. I am trying to convince my partner that we should stick to what we know which is Barkley but he like an adventure. Is there much fishing inside if it gets nasty outside? Any good bottom fishing area? I am hoping that the first week of August it wont be to ugly up there but who knows. It looks like there is crabing and shrimping in the area too.

Thanks for the info