Catching Halibut

Captain PartyMarty

Crew Member
Hi Guy's

I have a question regarding halibut fishing. Last year we fished Winter Harbour and we found a lot of halibut but most of them where pretty small. My question is do halibut group together as in larger and smaller fish or do big fish hang out with big fish and little fish hang out with little fish?

If getting into a lot of smaller fish do you normally move in the hope finding bigger or do you keep at it until the big one bites?

I am not a halibut expert by any means but I do fish Winter Harbour more than most guys. I would say that Winter Harbour tends to be a bit of a nursery area for Halibut. Up until about 10 years ago it was my understanding that the longliners never fished it because of that and then one year it was opened. That does not mean there are no big hali's there-on the contrary there are quite a few but you have to also realize that Qualicum rivers guiding has been working there for at least 15 years and they target big hali's. If I wanted big hali's I would pick my weather and anchor up at sea otter cove (still 2 fishing floats there) by San Jose bay-Go straight out-let the ebb take you north off Cape Scott onto the bank and let the flood bring you back. Epic white fish country-but lonely-make sure your gear is in good shape. I'll let the Hali guys chime in now-I believe that the big hali's will be near structure and that's what I fish-I Have gotten small ones with a big one many times but not enough to make a "rule" If you want to get more specific send me a PM
Bigger fish take the dominant position for food and down the chain it goes...
I have caught all kinds of sizes depending how we have drifted off of structure
Just my observations
Big bait big fish ........ That simple, those locals in W H use whole salmon carcass after filleted ....... Like off 6 and 7 pound fish, a chicken can't get it in its mouth

There are certainly chicken coops so to speak though, move till your finding the biggy. Have fun with the measurement on a fish near 133 cm. or about 70 pounds. It's a gong show