Catch and Release Net

Gibbs GNP-50... yes release bags are can convert a standarfd Gibbs net or to a reelase net via a bag change
I bought a knotless net for c&r but find it causes to much slime/scale loss. If your going
to practice catch and release I would definately recommend a rubber coated net. Better yet if the fish are small enough to control I would recommend just popping it off with a gaff at the boat side.
I bought a knotless net for c&r but find it causes to much slime/scale loss. If your going
to practice catch and release I would definately recommend a rubber coated net. Better yet if the fish are small enough to control I would recommend just popping it off with a gaff at the boat side.

I use the Gaff when I can, some are just too big and sometimes need a bit of Surgery to remove Hooks, driller
I use the Gaff when I can, some are just too big and sometimes need a bit of Surgery to remove Hooks, driller

grab yer hootchie or bait holder and cut the leader,if hooked badly...,, if spooning use 4 0r 5/0 hooks, gaff will always work...