Campion Explorer 542 Construction

Cool Breeze

New Member
Hello all,

I'm looking at buying Campion Explorer 542. Does anyone know the timeline of design changes that Campion has made to this boat?

There was a major hull redesign in 2005, but what about the stringers and transom? When did Campion change to an all fibreglass stringer/transom design?


my 622wa was built in '99 and had fiberglass over wood, BUT that being said
the wood was sealed up so tightly and even after being moored as long as it was and open to the conditions
when I sold it last year it was as dry as the day it left the factory,
just make sure to get whatever your looking at properly surveyed.
and if you need to know anything else about the campion dont hesitate to give them a call,
they are just up in the okanogan and always were very helpfull over the phone.
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I don't know if this will be helpful or not. I don't know anything that it says you want to no. My grampe has a 2003 explorer 542 with a mecr 3.0 inboard/outboard he loves the boat except for a few things one it feels to him a bit small to be in when he's running in and out from swifture bank, and he dosent like how low the bow is because we have taken a few waves over the front that soak you and ruin your trip he likes the trophy boats high-rising bows. Other than those couple things the bot is awsome
Mine is a 1997 and the stringers are wood but seem really well sealed. A friend has the 2007 and his is fibreglass and Kevlar. I would think that when they made the hull change if it was 2005 is probably when the change came about.
After speaking with Bruce at the Campion factory, I learned that 2005 was the first year they switched to composite transoms and stringers. Some 2005s have all composite, and some, like mine, have a composite transom and fiberglassed wood stringers. I'm not worried though, as this boat has a self bailing, fiberglassed deck. Not much chance of wet stringers. Just a quick update for those interested. CB