Campbell River fishing charter on Craig's list



Can you believe this guy

Quote "Fishing Update: Now having entered the second half of August, the fishing in Campbell River is excellent. Several large Chinook and Coho salmon are being caught along with some Sockeye an abundance of Pink salmon. Fishing is expected to only improve as we move closer to September. "

Hes been posting that add fora few months, I was waiting for it to make on here. He lives on Joanne drive in CR and defintely doesnt have a C on his boat.

SO no license, and gaurenteeing fish out of his own freezer. Nice work!

Anyone call him to see how much?

I may book him to get a gauranteed fish for dinner, have to do a morning fish so it can thaw. Wonder if he has pinks in his freezer?? ROFL
I wonder who the "middle man" is.......that ALL of the other owner/operator guides "have" to pay, driving up their prices?? ;)

DFO? Transport Canada? Province of BC? Campbell River Tourism Association? Me? ;)
He might as well be honest and just say he doesn't charge nearly as much because he doesn't need the money to make a living, he doesn't have the overhead of a real professional business and he can run cheap as well because the boat is not running legally as a small commercoial craft therefore he doesn't need expensive TC saftey courses, saftey equipment or vessel modifications. If he chooses to operate illegally and undercut those that actually have to make money lilkley its probably because he is missing a few upstairs or just doesn't care. Too bad TC wouldn't likely do anything if they knew about this ad. If he has an accident, they might.
He doesn't even have the smarts to remove the promises of ( illegal) Sockeye catches. A true professional ;-)
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