Campbell river 2013.

Mia Culpa!!!

This is a truly great fish. What is more important is that the 6 & 7 year fish for Campbell River are not extinct!!!!! Why the hatcheries do not focus on the largest fish to enhance these year classes is a mystery. Given that the hatchery recruitment can be 70 % to smolts from eggs, as opposed to the huge attrition in the wild just to smolt stage, we could see ALOT more of these great fish in our waters with a change of policy.

Too bad they didn't measure and release it to spawn like they do up north
X2 on that. Beautiful fish and kudos to the angler but it seems a shame to me to waste those genes.

was thinking the same thing... it would be an even greater and rewarding accomplishment I would think...
I'm in agreement with everyone who believes this fish should have been released...BUT..... If we are going to say this fish should be released then we are also saying that the Tyee Club shouldn't exist because that all they do is kill big fish. I think the tradition is great but maybe it's time the club came up with a way to catch record and allow these large fish to live and reproduce, especially with a run as small as the one that enters the Campbell. My 0.02
Too bad they didn't measure and release it to spawn like they do up north

I agree and also think more recognition and credit should be given to lodges, guides and sporties in general who c&r big fish. There seems to be hardly anyone releasing outside of the Gwaii and a few in Rivers.

C&R derbies are also something I think should be heavily promoted.

Anyways, back to the Campbell river thread. Regardless of it being killed its an amazing catch!
I'm in agreement with everyone who believes this fish should have been released...BUT..... If we are going to say this fish should be released then we are also saying that the Tyee Club shouldn't exist because that all they do is kill big fish. I think the tradition is great but maybe it's time the club came up with a way to catch record and allow these large fish to live and reproduce, especially with a run as small as the one that enters the Campbell. My 0.02
I was saying this exact thing to my dad this morning.There must be a way to accomplish this with photos,measurments
etc. IMO it's no longer "politically correct" to kill these big fish.We need to keep them in the gene pool.
You guys could Catch and Release fish for the rest of your lives and not even make up 1% of the fish that Mike has sent out into the chuck for you guys to catch and bonk years later as his part of the various salmon foundations. Congrats to Mike, could not have worked out for a more deserving guy. The big ones are still out there!
You guys could Catch and Release fish for the rest of your lives and not even make up 1% of the fish that Mike has sent out into the chuck for you guys to catch and bonk years later as his part of the various salmon foundations. Congrats to Mike, could not have worked out for a more deserving guy. The big ones are still out there!

Agree 100%
You guys could Catch and Release fish for the rest of your lives and not even make up 1% of the fish that Mike has sent out into the chuck for you guys to catch and bonk years later as his part of the various salmon foundations. Congrats to Mike, could not have worked out for a more deserving guy. The big ones are still out there!
Some people have too much time on their hands, Or not enough considering they cant take the time to start a new thread instead of "hijacking" an existing one! Get your heads out of your asses!
You guys could Catch and Release fish for the rest of your lives and not even make up 1% of the fish that Mike has sent out into the chuck for you guys to catch and bonk years later as his part of the various salmon foundations. Congrats to Mike, could not have worked out for a more deserving guy. The big ones are still out there!

Agreed again. The amount of fish that the tyee club impacts is insignificant compared to even one of the lodges in the charlottes, or pretty much anywhere else. This fishery may have a slight impact on the stocks returning to the Campbell river itself, but for one GIANT exception.

MANY involved with the true tyee fishery are also heavily involved as stream keepers and enhancement volunteers, and have been involved with saving and producing fish in exponential numbers compared to the annual catch in the pool.

Congratulations Mike, and any other lucky enough to earn membership in the club. And sorry IFL, for continuing the derail, but feel rather strong about this one.
If you guys spent time in Campbell River, you would know that many big lunkers make it up the river every year.
Those great spawners are also shown front page in our papers.

Go rain on another parade, this one is legitimate!

Gong Show
As much as releasing a fish like that would be super cool....and I am a big supporter of letting hogs go this a a bit of a unique situation. These guys in the little row boats fishing 20# line and without a motor hardly have a huge impact on the resource. When in the last few decades has the total catch from the pool gone past the double digits. They row so many tides all of august for like 1-3 chances of a hookup for the season. People who do this fishery show huge dedication to the sport and the resource. I know for a fact that the tyee club and many of its members put a huge amount of their time and resources into that and other river systems. It is very different than some guest coming from afar to catch and hang their 50# chinook on the scale, these guys treasure the campbell river springs. GOOD ON MIKE FOR THE WICKED CATCH!!!! MY 2 CENTS

Now back to the cr reports!!!
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If you guys spent time in Campbell River, you would know that many big lunkers make it up the river every year.
Those great spawners are also shown front page in our papers.

Go rain on another parade, this one is legitimate!

Gong Show
Ya there not that many going up there .Its good and its bad. But we r man.
Fished this morning in the pouring rain in an open boat, only 1 other boat out there.
Anyways, Caught 2 undersized springs, 2 wild Coho, 5 undersized lings 3 Grey cod and some rock cod. All within 300 meters of shore and in 2 hours. Freezer did not fill up but wow was it busy for 2 hours.
Was out for a few hours this morning.
A couple of jack spring, a pink, couple of rockfish and a couple of dogfish.
We were fishing deep at the hump. The guys fishing shallow were lively.
