Cable to gangion---anyone able to pull off that splice?


Well-Known Member
I was offered a High Performance Scotty at a price I couldn't refuse so I grabbed it. I had my doubts about the high speed stuff---i figured I'd no longer be able to use light cannonballs and the speed would strip bait off my hooks

Tried it out today ---VERY NICE! Smooth as silk! Started with a 15 (first 15 I ever put on a DR---just bought it yesterday for the trial run )---OK, that worked. Then tried a 12, then a 10 then finally down to the 8 (the one I always use)---all went up and down just fine. The Scotty guy said anything under 12 would come "flying out of the water...."

Not really.

And a plug cut herring lived to tell the tale (but it's true I used only No. 1 grade Northern King that had been freshly brined)---no doubt a soft body plug would not last a minute on a high performance ride up through the water column.

But here's the question: the H-P came loaded with Scotty SS cable---I haven't used cable in a hundred years and although I immediately saw that cable really is pretty spiffy to fish with (when it's brand new and stainless), I REALLY MISSED not having my braid to gangion connection, not just for switching the DR off with the knot that joins them but for retrieving cannonballs.

Anybody crack the code for splicing wire to twisted gangion???

Any cool tricks out there for NOT having to touch the cable when pulling everything in board??

For not touching any cables to burning the whole works in,you cannot beat Scotty's ball retrieval system. It is perfect once you get it figured out. I fish with my kids and want them to see me do things safely so they see how I want them to do it. It eliminates any leaning put to grab balls or releases and keeps the balls from flailing around uncontrolled. Nonce you get it dialled in it is slick.


MILF (Man, I Love Fishing)
Join the 2 with a swivel (swivel becomes stopper) and crimp the SS to the swivel, tie the gagnon with your knot of choice ( I use another Gagnon crimp here),
if you don't like the scotty retrieval system just lift the downrigger boom up to bring the ball closer to the boat
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David Murphy has a video where he joins braid to wire on the downrigger...

When he respools his rigger he leaves a couple of feet of wire on the spool first where it goes through those tiny holes...and then he joins braid to that.

Maybe that knot will work for you.....

Now all I have to do is find you the video.......
Here's the video Seafever is referring to,

Do not use that connection for the purpose you intend. It won't be long before that splice fails and you lose gear. Crimp the cable to a suitable swivel, then create 4-6' loop with your gangion and loop it through the other end of the swivel. You can either run your ball straight to the other end of the gangion if you always leave balls attached to downrigger, or use a suitable coast lock swivel w/ bearing.