C.F.B. Nanoose vs. E.C.V.I. fish stocks

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I got into a topic with a good fishing buddy of mine today, regarding the use of deactivated weapons in the straight of georgia as testing.
The reason it came up was the fact that he caught a couple of coho over the last few days that sported some kind of cancerous tumor under the external skin.
It may be a freak misshap that these fish have been affected by this, but does it not come to mind that all of those deactivated warheads that they are practicing with off of the Winchelsea Isl. are not sinking to the bottom.
I grew up fishing the Winchelsea and grey rock areas and the demise of those fisheries that we once had are all but gone.. It may or may not be worth a check, but keep in mind that that was once an active nuclear testing site.
It just could be that your feeding your kids this stuff..
Nothing but my $1.98 and is definately weighing on the mind...Any input is much appreciated..-dirty
I was the closest house to winchelsea. I have caught a good number of fish there. I have never seen any problems in the area other than a hugeeeeeeee lack of fish. This year was horrible! I didnt get a keeper on the east side but a good number of feeders were in the area this summer.

beachcomber NANOOSE
2002 there was so many coho it wasnt even funny, bottom fish are good, but since then the lingcod closure coupled with no springs, and inconsistant coho have pretty made made it a write off for me.
E.E., did those coho hold over in the area during the spring and summer months though?? -dirty
that was during june(wasnt targeting them but caught a ton by accident), then they disappeared till sept. when they came into nanoose bay. however since then the only coho ive seen have been in the bay in sept-nov.
are you sure they tested nukes out there i thought they just tested conventional weapons out there
It would not be too hard to test the fish for radioactivity. I doubt that any such tests would show any radioactive contamination to the fish.

In my opinion the real problem to the decline in salmon stocks on the ECVI is due primarily to loss of habitat. My father-inlaw is a streamkeeper up in Campbell River and in his research he has counted over 40 small streams between Campbell River and Victoria that used to have significant coho runs that have been lost due to logging, farming and urbanization. If the fish don't have a place to spawn - no more fish.

This is why the latest proposed budget cuts by the DFO are insane. The federal govt. has a $9 billion surplus and they want to make major cuts to the west coast habitat restoration and hatchery programs. It is time to write your MP is you care about this.

Sharp hooks and full traps!
Having fished that area all my life with a family member who has been doing it since the 40's, has led me to believe that not only has habitat degredation caused a serious decline but the fact that the krill is not present is also of major concern..
That area used to summer over fish from all different parts of the straight as well as fish heading down south... Why is it those fish all seem to swim 20 miles off shore now adays and not come to feed on the once rich waters of the Straight of Georgia..
Might be off the wall but with a military site testing, beit nukes or conventional weapons, why have things dramatically gone from so good to screwed in a matter of years..dirty
"Why is it those fish all seem to swim 20 miles off shore now adays and not come to feed on the once rich waters of the Straight of Georgia"
You just answered your own question.
Little food=little feed (herring/whatever)of any sort=few Salmon of any stripe.

that's why there's a warranty!
It would be interesting to see what those bombs did to the bottom,mabe there are nothing but craters.

thanks the runt
I'm sure that the subs were nuke, but the torpedoes were not armed or conventional. There is no way they'd test a nuclear bomb in Nanoose.
None of the bombs have explosives. They have tracking things on them so they can pick them up but im sure lots are still there.

beachcomber NANOOSE
R.B., I gathered that was the reason for the fish being where they are at today, my opinion was to merely bring up the fact that there is testing going on in the area and the food supply right down the chain has now dissapeared... A little in depth I guess-dirty
The reason i think the ECVA stocks are low.There is a commercial krill fishery going on in the inside passage?Thus no food or hardly any for the fish to feed on. Especialy the salmon fry that come out to feed.Nothing to eat well you get the picture. They got to put ahalt to that fishery. Or sooner or later we are all going to be f////.