Building your own releases

I have 6' downriggers which I have fully extended to fish a third rigger out the back. I make custom releases long enough (6 feet plus) to reach past the rod holder on the rigger to hang there while re-rigging. I use 150 lb. mono with aluminum crimps and they work great. Got the crimper at Trotac (P-Line I believe). Also use the 150 lb. mono for hali leaders on circle hooks.

I use bright colored weedeater line and crimps. Pretty cheap and easy to see.

This is what I use. You can get this stuff in different sizes and the one I use is .065 inches.
The scotty double barrel crimps fit this size.
For emergence / spare I would go with gangon as all you need is a knot to secure.

I made up 6 of these a few years ago and still have them..... knock on wood..
Next set I make I will replace that end peice on the clip with a bead.
I always have my clip set to max as I fish deep and its a pain to have a premature release.
Been building my own for a while now... but I cant take credit for this idea

My brother got the idea from a guide up in Tofino a couple years back

On the scotty releases
Throw the "pos" tensioner away and install about a 1 1/2" piece of 5/16" rubber fuel line where the tensioner used to be

No more false releases

LFS in Bellingham carrys everything I need

I like my releases anywhere from 4 to 6ft long

I tie the releases to the end of a Silver Horde rudder flasher....

I be a stubborn SOB...I refuse to run with a flasher or Dodger on the

A Gibbs in line rotary flasher a couple feet forward of the release works for me

200 lb mono