Browns Bay, Thurston , Denham?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Manny
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Has anyone been fishing these areas North of Campbell River at all?
Denham is usually really hot this time of year.... havent been this year but it should be good about now!
I am heading there this week or Monday, last year about this time I was limiting out in an hour or two. I will let you know ASAP. I was at the Big Q today, lots of fish at the mouth jumping, but further out nothing was biting. People were spin casting off thier boats I didn't see any caught. I doubt they were feeding any more.
Fishing at Browns has been good one day and spotty the next this week.
Two days ago we got one spring at 17 lbs and two sockeye.
Yesterday 11 sockeye landed and 8 not.
All retained were males at 7 lbs each (cookie cutters)
Should be good for sockeye for the next week or so.