Browns Bay Derby?

Went out today (Saturday) from 10 till 3 PM. Weather was wet but no wind. Can’t say it was hot but we did good. Took the wife and kid based on another thread from last night. Glad I did. My little (11 year old) girl did awesome. Fished one side with two rods and dummy flasher. It worked like a charm. Had a hit within 15 minutes of lines down. Set the hook and passed my daughter the rod because it was double-header time. Had the drag set light on her rod and she had a good fight with a couple of long runs from the fish. I was barking orders and the crew did great. I was thinking and worrying about how to land 2 fish with my rookie crew. Got mine to the surface and he spit the hook. Cranked in my gear, set it a side, and went to my daughters rescue. By this time she cranking her heart out, her arms are going to fall off. I increased the drag and now the fish is ready to come to the boat. I had to put one hand on her rod because the fish was strong and she was nearly spent. Got the fish to the side and we all looked in wonder. Nice 14-15 lb Chum. Reached down and slipped the hook and she swam away. The grin on my girls face was priceless. Put the gear back down to the same spot and 15 minutes later, bang another hit. Grabbed the rod and once again passed it to my daughter. I’m teaching my kid when to reel and when to let her run when the other rod goes off. Double-header again. My fish comes to the surface and spits the hook. What’s with that? I crank it in and set my gear aside. This fish on my kids line was strong and ran more. I held the butt of the rod and let her play the fish. I tell her when to reel and when to let her run. Keep the tip up I say’s. All along I’m hoping that the fishing is hooking her. After several runs and her cranking her arm off, the fish is to the side of the boat. Big (17-18lb) Chum buck. We all had a good look at the fish and I explain the hook mouth and large teeth. I then reached down and popped the hook. Down goes the gear and we sit and wait. My daughter’s eyes are now glued to the rod tips. We wait some more and I wonder if I’ll have a new fishing partner. My wife is driving the boat and she say’s “what the heck is that” and points off in the distance. Looks like a few Dalls Porpoises playing, off about 200 yards. They headed straight for us and my wife says, “what do I do”. Nothing I tell her, enjoy the show. They came right up to the boat and had a look at us. One swam right under us and another jumped right ahead of us. They played in the bay (Plumber) for only a few minutes and then they were gone. All in all we released 4 fish and lost 4 near the boat. Wow I could not have asked for a better day.
Pink/light Blue squirt with 3+ ft leader
Army truck dummy flasher 6 ft leader on the cannon ball
Purple haze flashers out 15 to 20 ft from the downrigger wire
Clipped the first one at 12 ft then the next at 35 ft.
Put the works down to 70 ft
Best gear was the bottom one.
Thanks Barbender for last nights thread.
Great shots, looks like you may have set the hook into more than just the fish. When the youngsters get the bug, it's a beautiful thing!!!
Awesome story. I know exactly how you feel. Glad the kids responded in a positive way. Chances are you have a partner for life,.
Thanks guys. Can’t take credit for the photo. Just wanted to post what these Porpoises looked like. GLG