Brain farts of fishing

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Have a little fun and admit to all, "Whats the dumbist thing you've done while either fishing, preparing to fish or launching your boat."
Just to show that EVERYONE has that the capacity for the odd brain fart.
I'll start this off with one of many:
Launching the boat at a crowded marina (Murphy's Law: Farts are directly proportional to numbers of spectators). All was going well until I noticed that the trailer was floating with the boat. Yep forgot to take the back hold-down straps off the rear. Hoping that no-one would notice, I unhooked the straps while still in the water. Trailer sank "off" the ramp on an damage except of course the ego took a hit...gotta love that Charter company sign splashed all over the truck.
Share you own experience here, not the ones we see happening to those unfortunate crainial flatuators...

(Murphy's Law: Farts are directly proportional to numbers of spectators).
Yep! No one around, early morning, launch boat, park Jeep. Come back to see boat half sunk! Realize I forgot to put the plug in. Grab the Jeep and try and put the boat back on the trailer to launch and then 4 groups show up to launch!
But the great thing was that 4 out of the 6 guys said they had done the same thing before!
Arrive at browns bay 11pm after missing turn off arriving 1 hour late
already pissed off, pissing down rain foggy pitch black out and now it's time to launch the boat by myself. 4 fishermen smoking cigars having a pop but to proud to ask for help go to give the boat a push doesn't go lose balance and off the trailer I go and in for a swim. After collecting my self, now I'm really pissed off. Climb on the boat soaked and cold proceed to flash up motor kick in reverse still no go. Helps if you take off the straps on the stern of the boat before launching. Sometimes the body's in fast forward but the mind is in neutral.

Cheers ME

Happy Hookin!!!

Edited by - MyEscape on 10/20/2004 07:37:40
Well heres a funny little story, I was about 20 years old with my second boat a 16 ft with a 90 hp and a little kicker just learning how to stack downriggers first light off of beechy head (5am) put first rod down at 20 ft grabed my new loomis with a hardy reel look at the roll perfect!!!!!
Send it back 20 ft boom bottom rod goes, put loomis down beside me fish screams across the flasher that is hanging back there on the loomis as I had my back turned to tell my buddy "FISH ON" look back see the loomis being pulled past my feet into water instict kicks in (dumb) lunge for the loomis before I know it Im in the water right out the back of the boat all the while i have the one rod with the fish in my right hand still taking line and as miracles can happen I accually caught the loomis in my left hand as i went into the water face first as my buddy trolls away he asks what to do??????

Of course in a calm voice tell him, well come and f*#$ing get me!!!!!!!!! he putts over,I pass him both rods I crawl to the back of the boat haul my carcass into the boat not a easy feat I must say.

While my partner is playing the fish he asks me if "IM ALRIGHT"
I respond of course im alright now bring in that damn fish because its got a whole lot of hurt coming its way hes start laughing now because it is sort of funny I guess in his mind by the time we get the fish in he now has tears running down his face at my expense.
So now the fish is in the boat lucky I had my ocean class on the only thing that was really wet was my chest and feet but I had spare runners and socks on the boat but no jacket so my buddy gives me his med. size floater coat.

So you think this story is funny now!!!!!!!! you should have seen me try and get that jacket on, if any body has seen the size of me me tring to get this body into a med. jacket it would have been a sight to see!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way we did get the fish and it was a 32 lb spring and we did get more fish during tha day we still laugh about it to this day because it is funny now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed it WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by - wolf on 10/20/2004 12:57:33
The worst ones are where you've done it before and are old enough to know better. But you do it again anyway.
Case in point.
In 1962 I hooked my first ever summer run steelhead.
I was standing on top of a log jam on the Oyster River, and after hooking it the realization that I had absolutely no place to land the fish ocurred to me. One should never cast from a spot where you can't land a fish should you hook one.
Pretty fundamental.

I sent my Stepfather down to a log close to the water where he attempted to grab the fish when I brought it close to him.
That didn't work and you can guess what happened.
No, he didn't fall in, but we did lose the fish.
I could almost taste that fish.

Fast forward five years or so and I'm on the Quinsam River.
It's February and freaking cold.
Hiking upstream from where the old bridge was I encounter a big log jam.
I clamber to the top of it, take a look at the water and for some stupid stupid reason make a cast.
Naturally I hook up two seconds after my spin-n-glo hits the water and there I am, fast to a steelhead and absolutely no place to land it.
After a lengthy battle, part of which was spent trying to figure out how to get the darn fish to come out from under a log it was cowering under, I decided to try to lead it onto the top of a flat rock just barely in reach, some 10' away.
I thought I would then wade to it and grab it.
The fish lay on the rock just like I planned.
I eased myself into the water, about waist deep, then took the first step towards it.
It was on the second step I tripped and fell forward, just as the fish flipped off the rock.
I went down, filling my old style Red Ball waders, then bounced back up and took a couple more floundering steps towards the fish.
I was able to partially fling it towards the beach as I stumbled by the rock, then ended up laying along the edge of the river, back to it, wrestling with the steelhead that was now fairly well revived and full of fight again.
Try as I might I couldn't pin the damn thing down and it eventually wriggled over me and back into the river.
I reefed on the rod as I stood up and.....yep.....broke the line.
The fish had remained hooked the whole time until I broke it off.

It was a damn cold walk back to my car too.

Ah well......
Not to long ago I treated my buddies who were following behind me to an early morning light show. I was towing my boat out to Port Renfrew when I hit a big dip in the road (and there are many of these on that road) and my boat trailer came off the hitch on the truck and preceded to grind off parts of my trailer tongue on the asphalt. Thank God for safety chains, they save your but when you forget to tighten the trailer onto the hitch.

Sharp hooks and full traps!
I had just gotten a new pair of breathables for my Birthday (21 December)and was "testing" them out on the Calawah. I got a fish on the first cast that day and had a bit of a celebratory nip (well ok I drank a 1/2 pint of bourbon) As time passed with no action I thought I would walk up the river. Of course I slipped and went down on my knees. This wouldn't have been too bad except that I was up to my belly button in the river. I had the waders belted up good so I was only soaked from the top of the waders up. It was a mile and 1/2 back to the Bronco. It was cold.

It's good to have friends.
It's better to have friends with boats.