bragging rights

the runt

Active Member
I see all you B.C. boys were posting your biggest fish the other day.Mine was about 25#.Not large by Your comparison.But seeing i have only 30 working days left till retirement,i should have a little extra time to challenge that.not a 60# but a 30,small steps here.Working at the same place for 33 years and being an ancient 47 yrs. old, i sometimes wondering if i'm almost to old to enjoy whats left of my time.Take care all and tight lines.

The runt
Hey runt you live down in washington?
my biggest fish was a 31 lbs spring near bamfield, that was a great trip, one day we landed 8 springs(8-31lbs), and 11 coho(6-14lbs).
oddly enough no one else that day at the docks got a sniff;)

enjoy your retirement bud:)
quote:Originally posted by the runt

I see all you B.C. boys were posting your biggest fish the other day.Mine was about 25#.Not large by Your comparison.But seeing i have only 30 working days left till retirement,i should have a little extra time to challenge that.not a 60# but a 30,small steps here.Working at the same place for 33 years and being an ancient 47 yrs. old, i sometimes wondering if i'm almost to old to enjoy whats left of my time.Take care all and tight lines.

The runt
Now I am jelious I wish i could retire at 47 years old.I see guys pushing 80 years old still out there fishing;)
LOL,I started work 2 days after my 16th birthday i was in grade 10.We start school a year behind the canadian boys.I work at a powdered milk factory. Most of our customers are Hersheys Nestles slimfast We run about 3 million lbs of milk a day, we are down about a million useally run about 4. There were a few hard choices to make along the way.One was turning down a half a dozen scholarships,but in 75 the year i started, i was making 7.50 hr.not bad for a punk.Now it's about 20.00 as everywhere else wages don't quite keep up with inflation.I am a union worker wich is good due to the high cost of medical.My Canadian wife was amazed at how much medical costs down here.I probally will get another job but on my terms this time.It;s been good to me, i raised 2kids and 3 step kids. I'm Really burned out so it's time to go and try something new.One thing i wan't to do is meet some of you scallywags [lol]i was born on the island and mabe stay awhile this time.take care all and keepem tight

the runt;)
I'm jealous! Congratulations on retiring early. Why work if you don't have to! I'm 44, I figure in 11 years I can hang em up.
hey runt, you are not the only newbie to the block! I am a mere rookie of 52! I was wondering the same thing then I decideed what the heck! Good luck with your boat etc. You say you live in Lynden, my dad lives in Sumas!