Blame each other

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Warren
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Robert Warren

Hey fellow SFBC'ers. I am almost sick to my stomach after reading this in the news:

A Canadian air patrol mission has discovered nearly 100 foreign ships apparently fishing illegally off Canada's West Coast.

Cameras from a Canadian Forces plane captured images of 90 fishing vessels suspected of breaking a 15-year-old United Nations ban on using drift nets — fishing meshes as long as 50 kilometres — off the West Coast.

Isn't it funny how we all blame each other for dwindeling fish stocks. Sport fisherman blame the Commercials and the Natives, The commercials blame the sport fisherman and the Natives. Us Natives blame everyone else. And while were all throwing the blame around there is an entire fleet of drift net boats off our coast intercepting our salmon as they return. Niiiccceeee......