Black Boxes - do they make a difference?

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If you have some experience... teLl me about it! Has anyone ever used Pro-Trolls E-Chip lures?
i use a pro-troll black box.
does it work ? i think so although it's hard to prove.
with my previous outboard, it definitely worked due
to a some kind of electrical discharge.
commercial boats all use them, so can't be too far wrong !
If you have a aluminum boat then I strongly recomend a black box due to the natural electrolosis between all the metals on your boat. If you have a fiberglass boat I found that if all your electrical components are wired correctly and grounded then you shouldn't need the black box as the natural electrolosis between your zincs and downrigger wire should be between .6 -.7 of a volt which is perfect for all types of fishing. Just my opinion![8D]
i have a fiber boat , and use a black box . i catch fish , sometimes when others aren`t , i think it works . tight lines scottyboy
I use the e chip flashers and have had a 20 lb coho and a spring that spooled me at Sheringham .I found that they work really well on larger coho.cant prove anything though.So who knows.
Wow - .. and I thought electric downriggers and glow-in-the-dark teaser heads was high tech stuff!? Guess I was expecting (or wishing) more of you guys to be sceptical! Guess I was wrong! Now I feel "old-fashioned" and "behind-the-times". Don't want anybody to take this the wrong way, (I'm certainly not against "progress") but... isn't it just a little bit sad that one feels the pressure to hook up to all this tech stuff just to keep pace with "Joe-Average"? Especially these days when the good fishing spots are getting more crowded (and further away) and the salmon more scarce! Having said that... I'll probably be down at the local tackle shop asking about "Black Boxes" and "E-Chips" tomorrow! [:I]
I use a black box and found that i consistently catch fish. So it may help, but it is definetly not affecting my fishing in a negative way.[8D]
I usually fish my flasher and bait about 40-50 behind the rigger. Do you think that a black box would help when you are that far from the downrigger??
I have been catching tons of fish in the last 3 weeks and I dont use a black box on my boat sits at 7.2 and 7.4 natural reading and I catch springs no problem and there has been quite a few over few over 30lbs in the last little while,instead of worrying about every little thing your doing wrong think positive abd enjoy yourself and fish keep it simple this is supposed to fun!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck Wolf
I agree with Wolf 100%, He catches lots of fish without. I don't use one either and manage just fine.I know of many other fishey boats in the Sooke area who do good without them too. A Welded boat is another storey, they require them period. As wolf said , keep it simple, test your voltage while fishing at your favorite depth, if it's to high instal zincs on to trim tabs and other metal objects in the water until your voltage is happy! Then forget about it and worry more about getting the right roll. These fish lately have been picky about the roll. I am running .68 and .71 tested at 80 feet.
A little ignorant about these things, so a few questions.

I have a welded aluminum boat, manual riggers and no black box. Still catch fish no problem, somedays more than others, other days less than others.

It sounds like I want a voltage that is ~ 7.2-7.4?

How do I measure this? little volt meter hooked up to my cable when all the gear is down?

Is there a differnece b/w electric and manual riggers?

I tried a little experiment. I unpluged one of my downriggers and left the other one pluged in. The one without the power hooked up caught twice as many fish as the other side. Maybe just a coinceidence, but it seemed to make a bit of a difference. For what its worth...
Rob sorry to rain on your parade but unplugging a elec. downrigger wont make one bit of difference the electricity is created by your whole boat which your downrigger is mounted too the electrical current is in the water from your motor and other boats around you and your boat so unplugging it you being and experienced knowledgable fishing guide who takes all the right risks would and should know all of this stuff.

quote:Originally posted by Rob Warren

I tried a little experiment. I unpluged one of my downriggers and left the other one pluged in. The one without the power hooked up caught twice as many fish as the other side. Maybe just a coinceidence, but it seemed to make a bit of a difference. For what its worth...
did you do this only with one side or did you alternate?
I'd be curious to know. If you only did one side, how about next time ,do the other one and let us know.
21 ft. aluminum, 7.4 natural, with the box on at 6.5 the big boys definitely are a little calmer at the boat, no question. Has anybody noticed the difference in glass boats?
My Campion runs 0.72 without and dialled in at 0.64 I notice the same thing. Hooking the fish is not the problem it is when they are close to the boat that they are easier to handle. Did a little experiment last year just before I replaced my zincs. I read 0.79 and one night there was tons of small herring on the surface, had the box running at 0.64 and as I passed through the bait I shut it off. It was like I poisoned the water the fish took off in every direction and took about 15 minutes to re-form after I turned it back on. Second pass with box on fish didn't seem to notice my passing.
Nerka, It is pretty easy to test. Just hook up a digital volt meter as follows, negative com to your negative battery terminal and posotive to the DR wire from the voltmeter were you can get at it. Run your gear as you normaly would do and give it a test away from the marina, kicker down as you normally would troll. Different lead balls and salinity from fresh water can give diffrent readings dependent on areas fished.
My old boat was the reason i picked up a black box, It just didn't catch alot of fish. When i purchased the black box definetly made a difference.
However , i also increased the amount of zinc on my boat and learned to be a better fisherman from reading on sites like this. Watch my speed , currents , tides .....
If a guy is not hooking fish when others around are, and if gear is the same,depth, speed ...maybe give it a try.
I for one do not believe in the black box.All it is doing is masking a problem with your boat.A proper tuned boat will catch just as many fish as one with a box.Check all grounds,zincs,tie your canon balls on with 4 feet nylon cord,use the new scotty spider wire instead of the wire line at $60 a roll it is a lot cheaper then a box.
Now in saying all that I do have a box on my boat and check the voltage with a volt meter every trip.Two years ago my boat would read any were from 7.5 to 8.5 some times as high as 9.I completely rewired my boat and new zincs now reads 5.50 every trip.
I might also point out that a box will not always read right.This year the box would read 5.00 and the volt meter would read 6.50.the problem was that the black box wires were corroded in the wire and the termials,replaced it all and it was right on again.
I catch just as many fish as people with a box,some days more hell some days I forget to turn the thing on and still catch fish.