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If Floater want's big "players" they don't come bigger than this.
Warren is a successful man, and no doubt he wont get involved in BTC, many wouldnt. But 49 Billion is a drop in the bucket buddy.

Im not pumping BTC, im sure I havent posted any wild predictions of the price here. This just a thread talking about the subject.
I have played the bitcoin in a small way thru the bitcoin trust, trading symbol GBTC:US, it's the easiest way to do it but it does trade at a premium to bitcoin itself, I bought some a couple of months ago( put just under 7k of mad money into it) I took about a triple of my original investment off the table early last week and am riding the rest, will probably sell sometime this week. I certainly wouldn't buy this now at these prices. couldn't resist dabbling a wee bit in it though, lol.

Nice job, always love hearing about the little guy picking the markets pockets.
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I have played the bitcoin in a small way thru the bitcoin trust, trading symbol GBTC:US, it's the easiest way to do it but it does trade at a premium to bitcoin itself, I bought some a couple of months ago( put just under 7k of mad money into it) I took about a triple of my original investment off the table early last week and am riding the rest, will probably sell sometime this week. I certainly wouldn't buy this now at these prices. couldn't resist dabbling a wee bit in it though, lol.
Hats off to you and I'm glad you took at least your initial stake off. Great feeling when you get it right-even greater feeling when you get to ride the train for free--hang on and enjoy the ride!! LOL
Part 2 on the blockchain
Part 2 on the blockchain
Nice post.

For any savy investors out there who want exposure to the sector, but cringe at the thought of buying the cryptos at these levels, there are a few companies that are utilizing the Blockchain technology for real world applications. I have been in BTL.V since the $7 level and it has had a great run, although i would recommend waiting for a pull back if you are wanting to buy.

These guys have had successful Pilots in the energy sector (massive savings on their transaction costs), they are working with VISA, and some healthcare sectors. Their technology is quite revolutionary. Do a Youtube search for "Interbit" which is their proprietary application.

Just a heads up, but not a recommendation to buy.
GLG, I dont want to risk the good will of this thread, but its not lost on me how in the past you have spoken out against the free market, but in this case you seem to be in favour of the private capital investment into this new stage of how the internet interacts with our daily life.

A free market is VITAL to our continued success as a society. Government would NEVER have come up with this idea. Embrace the markets and the innovation it brings by entrepreneurs, it really is a beautiful thing if its left to flourish.
GLG, I dont want to risk the good will of this thread, but its not lost on me how in the past you have spoken out against the free market, but in this case you seem to be in favour of the private capital investment into this new stage of how the internet interacts with our daily life.

A free market is VITAL to our continued success as a society. Government would NEVER have come up with this idea. Embrace the markets and the innovation it brings by entrepreneurs, it really is a beautiful thing if its left to flourish.

I'm not against the free market but would like an even playing field. More like a fair market if you need to find a label. I understand that trade with other countries is important for the whole world. I get "The Wealth of Nations" but I have seen it misused and misquoted on many occasions.
I have nothing in bitcoin but am benefiting indirectly. Winery owner client went in deep some years ago and is making bank like crazy. Longterm 'when I can afford it' project is going ahead this spring and I have the work. My friend has been shaking his head in disbelief for months now as it bursts through one price 'barrier' after another. He sells a chunk, reinvests some and sells again a month later. His comment: "it's like I've been kissed on the dick by fairies."
It's a currency not a stock. At it's foundation currencies are zero sum games. The only ways you can make money are if someone else loses money OR the market value changes. By comparison, stocks have a third & important way to make money for shareholders: creating new value in the economy. The Market obscures the value part of businesses, but IMO it's a fundamental difference. It's why the stock market can continue to grow 10% a year for the last 100 years.
well that was a fun ride, out of it now with some nice profits, its been getting hammered the last couple of days which was inevitable, lol.
I just jumped on the train with a tiny bit of fun money but split between Litecoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin. Worst case scenario I'm out $200 from a $500 scratch ticket winner. I only bought some of the Bitcoin based on it being in a valley.
With 5 dollar trades and ETF”s why would u have someone manage your assests.

I pay less the a few hundred bucks annually in fees rebalancing my portfolio.

If you don’t want to pick stocks then ETF with low MER that just track the market.

Who are you with online? I've being looking at Questrade for an extra hobby to but up RRSP and TFSA contributions.
I'm not prepared to move my other RRSP's and TFSA to one of the big banks that have a minimum $25000 investment or else an extra $100/year fee on top of the usual high service fees especially when I get good service with my existing financial advisor.
lol, I don't think it's in a valley, I think it's on a cliff just starting it's descent.
Could be some merit but at the same time it's crashed 30% six times in 2017 which were followed by 76%, 237%, 183%, 165% and 152% increases. Not for the feint of heart or for gambling with your life savings.
Who are you with online? I've being looking at Questrade for an extra hobby to but up RRSP and TFSA contributions.
I'm not prepared to move my other RRSP's and TFSA to one of the big banks that have a minimum $25000 investment or else an extra $100/year fee on top of the usual high service fees especially when I get good service with my existing financial advisor.
hey, i've been using questrade for like 10 years - best platform for me these days (now that TDW got rid of their active trader platform). Commissions are cheap, IQ edge platform is great if you are active, and basically no trading restrictions (ie, US OTC/pinksheets) Works really well for me and rarely have issues...fwiw
Side note - btc crash, but McAfee just pumped the crypto coin I was already in (BURST) which has me up 300% or so even with the corresponding drop in btc
Who are you with online? I've being looking at Questrade for an extra hobby to but up RRSP and TFSA contributions.
I'm not prepared to move my other RRSP's and TFSA to one of the big banks that have a minimum $25000 investment or else an extra $100/year fee on top of the usual high service fees especially when I get good service with my existing financial advisor.

Ill PM you when I got some free time.
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