Bike lanes in Ontario

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Well-Known Member
The premier of Ontario is in the process of removing bike lanes to help traffic flow. Municipalities will have to get provincial approval first before new bike lanes can be constructed. I know in Saanich on any given day, no matter what season, rain or shine, you will rarely see the bike lanes being used. Opinion polls have shown the majority of people in Ontario are in favor of bike lane removal........

I bike every day in Saanich bike lanes, as do thousands of other people. Take a look at any rainy day in the winter and look at how bad traffic gets because everyone drives. Every 1% of people who get out of cars speeds up traffic dramatically. Public transit is the best for speeding up traffic. If we got 50% of kids riding bikes and walking to school and not dropped off by their parents, every driver would be better off, we’d save millions in gas and so much time.
Public transit is the best for speeding up traffic. If we got 50% of kids riding bikes and walking to school and not dropped off by their parents, every driver would be better off, we’d save millions in gas and so much time.
This ^^^^^. I no longer commute by bike as I'm retired. When I did I loved passing the parking lot of traffic on the main corridors. I may not have arrived any faster, but it was way more fun.
Something I never understood was driver animosity to cyclists. One less car in the traffic, and/or driving up the price of gas.
Exceptions to jerks, percentages being roughly the same driving or cycling.
Every other major city that has reduced vehicle lanes in favour of bike lanes has an alternate transit system such as Subways and sky trains.
We don't have these options.
Until something changes reducing vehicle lanes will simply result in more accidents and traffic chaos 😔
Like Kaelc, I was a lifelong bike commuter. Nobody believed that the Galloping Goose and Lochside trails would ever have enough use to justify the investment to resurface them in the early 90s. Now they carry equivalent traffic to major arterials. Bike lanes were added [mostly to secondary streets like Finlayson] and improved life for bike commuters and motorists.

I find myself in disagreement with the focus on adding protected [curbed] lanes on major streets - often at the expense of a traffic lane. I'd prefer to see bike routes developed on quiet secondary streets -- they don't have to be on every major arterial to be effective!

And my absolute least favourite -- 2 way bike lanes on one-way streets [Fort and Pandora] - they require extra lights and signage none of which appears in a drivers manual or driving course. A recipe for confusion and frustration.

Guess I'm getting grumpier as I get older.
This forum, although it is called "General Open" needs to stay away from politically charged topics. These subjects can be debated in many places that exist already and we can stay, at least mostly, fishing centric or at least "light hearted" in nature.
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