So lets talk about something worth talking about. DFO warned us that in area 19/20 that 4/2's and 5/2's could be in trouble, particularly this brood year. Now with all the political BS with the Fraser River I know many people feel it is all a hoax to get more fish to that fishery. That is always in the back of my mind as well. But I'm a realist and something that is real after 6 weeks of this fishing season is that Chinook over 30 pounds are very scarce. Fish over 20 pounds are not much better. The VAST majority of the fish being caught are not our usual local migrating Fraser stocks, but are marked US stocks. Most are 10 to 17 pounds. So of the few 30 pound fish that have made it this far how many of them were caught? I know that 99% of those hooked were bonked and I bet less than a handful let go. So more damage has been done...what do you think will happen 4 years from now? If we do get a complete closure from May to mid-July in 4 years, will killing those 30 pound fish be worth it?