Best Tackle combo!

The AP Tackle works spoon, running naked is always made up & ready to rip some lips.


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Moments before impact.
It's a WaterWolf HD. I got one a few years ago and it's been fun. I just tie a 6' leader off the camera
Okay, I have some follow up. How big was the fish and where is that place?!
Okay, I have some follow up. How big was the fish and where is that place?!

I cant remember how big? That was a good day & I ended up catching every species except Sockeye. (Sockeye is on my list of wants). The location was the west end of the Skidegate channel (narrows) in Haida Gwaii. Its narrow channel that you can only navigate on high tide. It allows you to drive directly across the island to the west side. Awesome boat ride I enjoy each time. I attached a picute of a map showing where it is. Also attached is a picture of my lure going through a bait ball of Sandlance.

One of the coolest things I have learnt using the camera is how many Coho are behind the boat in the prop wash. I often see wolf packs of coho ~20' back behind the boat when lowering the camera.


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I cant remember how big? That was a good day & I ended up catching every species except Sockeye. (Sockeye is on my list of wants). The location was the west end of the Skidegate channel (narrows) in Haida Gwaii. Its narrow channel that you can only navigate on high tide. It allows you to drive directly across the island to the west side. Awesome boat ride I enjoy each time. I attached a picute of a map showing where it is. Also attached is a picture of my lure going through a bait ball of Sandlance.

One of the coolest things I have learnt using the camera is how many Coho are behind the boat in the prop wash. I often see wolf packs of coho ~20' back behind the boat when lowering the camera.

Forgot to attach the picture of the bait ball


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#1. Salty dog flasher and gold nugget skinny g spoon with some glow in the dark tape stuck to the backside of the spoon. Finger tip to opposite shoulder leader length.

#2. Gold Betsy and no bananas clear uv teaserhead. Full arm span length leader. (6’6”ish)

#3. Red Racer flasher and glow hootchie, same leader length as #1

Hands down best flasher I’ve ever run is a old green blade with gold chrome on both sides. Didn’t have a make on it. Looked like a hotspot. No matter what I put behind that thing it would out fish the other side of the boat. Got it given to me by a old timer and lost it a couple years ago to a sea lion in Blackfish Sound. If anyone knows where to get a replacement let me know!
I also love the Oki Salty Dawg. If you get a chance find an Oki Footloose (green with kinetic tape). Totally badass!

#1. Salty dog flasher and gold nugget skinny g spoon with some glow in the dark tape stuck to the backside of the spoon. Finger tip to opposite shoulder leader length.

#2. Gold Betsy and no bananas clear uv teaserhead. Full arm span length leader. (6’6”ish)

#3. Red Racer flasher and glow hootchie, same leader length as #1

Hands down best flasher I’ve ever run is a old green blade with gold chrome on both sides. Didn’t have a make on it. Looked like a hotspot. No matter what I put behind that thing it would out fish the other side of the boat. Got it given to me by a old timer and lost it a couple years ago to a sea lion in Blackfish Sound. If anyone knows where to get a replacement let me know!
Could somebody please chime in with some hot coho combos this time of the year?
Super Betsy w/a plain white Hootchie
Glow back guide series w/a Silver Horde scale back
Any of the spoons below work too! That teezer head is a killer as well

I love that teaser head. By far my favourite. Has been really good for me in Barkley the last few years, and was money this summer in Milbanke. Never seems to go wrong when paired with a betsy.
Could somebody please chime in with some hot coho combos this time of the year?
Purple Haze flashers with UV Bloody Nose teaser. I buy the 10 pack of anchovies and always rig up an extra so i can switch out the whole teaser head and get it back down super fast (I find this is faster than putting a new fish in the same teaser).

Also have had good success with Left Coast Lure's small hammer in Blue/Glow behind a classic green hotspot.