Best of the Season

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Snuck up on us again....Even though it may be politically incorrect and may offend a majority of the population now.....
I hope Santa brings you everything you deserve and you have a safe and prosperous New Year too.

Best Wishes to All

Very</u> Merry Christmas to everyone.

Been feeling quite under the weather of late it's good to have a happy friendly place to stop into.[8D]

Carl Z
And a VERY Merry Christmas to you and yours Paul, and Everyone else here!! May your Christmas Wishes be fulfilled, and your New Beers FULL</u> of Fishes!!

Salmon, crab and fresh prawns for Xmas eve dinner (slurp) will do.
May you all get fishin goodies in your stockings this year.
Good to meet some of the SFBC folks this year!
Have a healthy one.
Felize Navidad Amigos Y Amigas.

(Wee Wee chu one to Nog)
Season's Greetings to all this fine holiday season. Translation: 7 mornings on the flow for steelhead for me.:D

Stay SAFE and may big fish rip line off your reels in the new year.:)
Super Merry Christmas, even to those in The Minority, who feel that this is politically Incorrect! The one present that I would like to get is, getting rid of most of the politically correct crap!
Good morning to all and merry x-mas up early to go feed the old folks in the home just want to say hi to all the good people here on the forum you know who you all are. stay safe

Merry Christmas...

I wish you all the best over Christmas and into the New Year. May all of your fishing excursions be prosperous and full of adventure!

Merry Christmas and all that other stuff. Hope every body is happy and healthy.Smoked sockeye, red spring lox and lots of Buds was the Christmas Eve goodies.Hopefully the winter springs get a little bigger soon!Cya on the water, the Gabriola guys. Robert and the old man.
And a Seasonal Greeting to All!
I would wish you a Merry Christmas, but, as is often the case, I'm a day late, (and yea, maybe even a brick short after the festivities).
So I'll throw out the Happy New Year too. May the New seasons bring you good cheer, good health, and interesting adventures.
