Best Bait/lure for Halibut

whole large herring, fresh bellies, sliding weight on main line with a three foot leader, two large singles so they swallow em right down.
I was a die hard lead head jig and Berkley Power Grub (with octopus or salmon belly) user until this past year, where I tried salmon belly and/or octopus with a circle hook on a spreader bar. Not sure if I would have caught more, but watching the hali take a spreader bar rig while relaxing was amazing. Hardest part for me was not setting the hook, letting them swallow it and move off before just reeling down on them. The jig put two in the boat and the spreader bar put 4 in the boat this year.

Now I can use the jig and grub in the more rockier area's and the spreader bar rig on the more sand/rock flats.

Do you guys who use a spreader bar and bait take snapper and ling as well??


Do you guys who use a spreader bar and bait take snapper and ling as well??

sure do....for me its more by-catch tho....
Berkley 5-7 inch Mullets They don't work the best on the hook cause you have to jig em or need a decent rip but man there killer. They Out fish's anything we use even real bait.Crazy for lings and snapper too just don't lose them as there pricy $10-20 for a pack of 2-3.That's why people use herring or keep salmon bellies but in the long run there actually cheaper if you don't Lose them. I havn't used real bait in 5 years and buddies and my bro laughed at me when I used them.There discontinued and you can not find them anymore nobody has them only a few stores that got them from me as I located 6000 packs and bought them all that's how well they work and how durable they are.No idea why they discontinued them. The other brand do not work nearly as well I tried them all.I got tons of photos to prove it. On the sunshine coast for lings one rod was herring one rod was live perch one was hard lure and one was one of these we do not fish the other three anymore. IF you have never used them you don't know once you do you will know why.This is not a sales speech we could care less if we sell them we use around 200 a year as we fish in really really rocky areas sometimes.
Mackrel! Perfect size and are oily so leave a nice scent slick. I fillet them from the bottom but don't cut the fillets off at the top. Gets more scent out and fillets flap for action.
I was a die hard lead head jig and Berkley Power Grub (with octopus or salmon belly) user until this past year, where I tried salmon belly and/or octopus with a circle hook on a spreader bar. Not sure if I would have caught more, but watching the hali take a spreader bar rig while relaxing was amazing. Hardest part for me was not setting the hook, letting them swallow it and move off before just reeling down on them. The jig put two in the boat and the spreader bar put 4 in the boat this year.

Now I can use the jig and grub in the more rockier area's and the spreader bar rig on the more sand/rock flats.

Do you guys who use a spreader bar and bait take snapper and ling as well??



curious what you thought of the circle hook. In the commercial fishery that is all we can use as it lets us release the fish with minimal damage.
I use them all the lings do not care the snapper do not care about the color its the cents that are in there its pretty crazy as for hali They all work but some work better then others. the Chartreuse ones is not the best.I don't think there's a pearl white.My buddy only uses a 5 inch gold one its crazy he will not use anything else and you have to pretty much pull the bait through the halis gills to get it back or just grab another bait that goes for all of them 5-7 inch if you let the hali suck it..The best ones are a white tiger stripe looking one with a pink pearl tinge the gold one the glow in the dark one and this grey one with a pink pearly tinge to it but there all killer I have 3 sizes and 7 colors.I do not even use a spreader bar anymore.I was on a a stag this past June on the puke boats in Ukee I brought my own rod cause there's are crap and my own gear and well me and the groom that fishes those gold ones basically was passing of the rod to all the guys to bring up hali, you got these guys working all day to jig hard for hali and salmon all I did was let the wind and tide do the work and drag as close to the bottom 16 guys and 13 halis the first day and 11 the next basically guys wanted to use what the hell I was using lol.Then off to rock fish and lings the deck hand I cant remember HER name starts with a C was like holy $%@#% she has never seen anybody catch so much fish she basically called me a killer LOL .I'm not saying there gear doesn't work as it does its just much much easier to drop a 12-24 OZ jig and away you go but there much better ways and gear out there .The way I fish is a little more work but very productive.I tell the guys that fish with me we are GOING to lose some gear but we will fill the box.It helps I make all my own weights so I don't care if I lose 100 or 200 1lb cannon balls a year over 20 guys.Once they see the fish coming in they don't give a %$&^%*& about snapping a weight off better snapping off a weight then a 5-10$ fish lure. I never lose gear for halis but where I fish is all flat and sand but this year I snapped off twice on the same color fish and the same spot a MONSTER maybe as different times with different people both said I brought it up around 15 feet then back down.The owner of the resort where I stay said there's nowhere to snag up but you never know.IF I am on the hook which I never am I would use octo for halis though.I think anchoring is wrong for fishing with a massive chum bag down there it legal so why not.but baiting should be banned just like hunting.
Used to use Xlarge herring exclusively,but this year mixed it up a bit after reading a good study done by the IPHC using
an underwater submersable to view commercial longline sets. From their studies they found that herring was by far
the least durable bait,and also attracted more undesirable speicies. Their conclusion was salmon pieces first,mackeral
2nd,and herring 3rd. Octapus and squid were rated last,but were the most durable. This year we caught 11 halibut
up to 78lbs. and the majority of them came on salmon chunks,even with a jumbo horse herring down on the other rod.
curious what you thought of the circle hook. In the commercial fishery that is all we can use as it lets us release the fish with minimal damage.

Don't catch enough to release any.......but the circle hook works, as long as I don't set the hook too fast.

Also guys and gals who are asking about quota...start another thread and lets not have this one go sideways....this is not the place to ask about quota, it's about hali fishing and what folks like and use....for sport fishing.


Salmon belly strip, 1/2 baby Octopus (Superstore) and a shot of anise jelly scent . First year fishing halibut and did well. Spreader bar and 2 circle hooks. No ling or snapper on that setup.

Sitkaspruce, that 209 I bought from you went into service later that week as one of my other ones kacked.
Salted greenling skin cut lengthwise to within an inch of the head end into hootchie-like tentacles, with salmon belly on a stainless Maui bought circle hook on 200lb mono leader which is overkill and breaks off at the spreader bar swivel on a snag. Upside down glow bulb squid hootchie above the bait.
Mackrel! Perfect size and are oily so leave a nice scent slick. I fillet them from the bottom but don't cut the fillets off at the top. Gets more scent out and fillets flap for action.

X2 Great bait for getting scent out. First thing I put down.
Spreeder bar with 1 circle hook with a nice stinky mackrel or a peace of salom belly (white spring belly works the best)
Anybody ever try tuna bellies for hali? I would think the oil in them would draw the halibut in from quite a distance.