BC Wildlife Federation webinar with Carl J. Walters re: Pinnipeds and Salmon Populations


Well-Known Member

Last chance to register for tonight's 7pm conservation webinar!

Carl J. Walters, Professor Emeritus at UBC, from the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, UBC will be presenting on:
• Seal and sealions impact on early marine survival rates of chinook and coho salmon, reducing abundances of larger fish by 80%
• Strategies for reduction and balance of pinniped and salmon populations

Register here: https://bit.ly/39Q3xLR
I missed it but was fishing at the vedder confluence yesterday and it was packed full of seals. all had salmon in their mouths all day. eating the belly's and slappin em on the surface.
It was very informative, and compelling - however, totally unlikely we will see meaningful implementation of the management measure Dr. Walters outlines as the most probable to succeed if applied in an adaptive management experiment. Meeting link below - please share - more voices are needed - to go viral we need everyone to tell 10 friends.

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