Battery help

if the battery was load tested and passed it should be fine. the voltage regulator and rectifier is located on top of the block just under the rear edge of the flywheel.they are not hard to change.these motors don't use alternators so they don't behave the same as a car they use a stator mounted under the flywheel the charging output varies with rpm look on line or in the service manual for proper charging graphs. the kicker is charging fine from what you said the main seems low but with out proper testing its hard to say thats the problem. before you start throwing parts at it have it check by a pro it will save you money in the long run.
as stated earlier if the tach is working the charing system is to.if you do take it to a shop have the check the cranking draw from the starter.
Oh I just wanted to add i am not knocking anyone that uses the walli world a CN tire batteries. It is just a personal preference. Your batteries would last longer if you kept them charged regularly. 2 to 3 years is too short....

High five

I just replaced my "Nautilus" battery from crappy tire after 6 years
it never let me down.
I have had great luck with Interstate batteries over the years. They are a little more pricey than Wallys,or CTs brands
but they've allways been good to me. Not uncommon to go 6 plus years before replacing.
Mercury Marine Battery Requirement

Should my boat be rigged with a starting or a deep cycle battery, and why?

There is a difference between an ordinary starting battery and a Deep-Cycle battery. Starting requires a high amount of energy for a short period of time (about 30 seconds maximum). Only a small amount of the battery's capacity is used. Once the engine starts running, the battery is recharged quickly by the charging system.

A Deep-Cycle battery supplies a relatively low amount of current for a long duration. Deep-Cycle batteries, unlike starting batteries, can be run down and recharged repeatedly with minimum loss of capacity. Deep-Cycle batteries are designed to power electric fishing motors, and other electrical accessories in boats and recreational vehicles such as radios, TVs, fans, etc.

Since starting batteries and Deep-Cycle batteries are designed for different purposes, they are constructed differently inside. Starting batteries have porous active material. The plates are thin and are designed so the high-amp energy can be quickly delivered for maximum starting power. Repeated cycling, which involves lower capacity drains and recharges, weakens the positive plate. The active material drops from the grid, thus, in repeated deep discharge/recharge applications, the capacity of the starting battery drops below desired levels in about 50 cycles.

The Deep-Cycle battery has a denser active material and thicker plates to withstand deep discharge/re-charge service.

What is the correct battery for my outboard motor?
Battery Ratings Note: These are minimum engine specifications. Additional electrical loads from the boat will require larger batteries.
9.9/15 & 25
465 Marine Cranking Amps (MCA) or 350 Cold Cranking Amps (CCA)
30/40, 45/50
Operation Above 32F (0C) 465 Marine Cranking Amps (MCA) or 350 Cold Cranking AMPS (CCA) Operation Below 32F (0C)

1000 Marine Cranking Amps (MCA) or 750 Cold Cranking AMPS (CCA)
Operation Above 32F (0C) 465 Marine Cranking Amps (MCA) or 350 Cold Cranking AMPS (CCA) Operation Below 32F (0C)

1000 Marine Cranking Amps (MCA) or 750 Cold Cranking AMPS (CCA) Ampere-Hours (Ah) 70 – 100
6 - 15, 20/25, 30/40, 40/50 & 60
465 Marine Cranking Amps (MCA) or 350 Cold Cranking Amps (CCA)
75 - 125
525 Marine Cranking Amps MCA) or 450 Cold Cranking Amps (CCA)
135/200 & 225/250
630 Marine Cranking Amps (MCA) or 490 Cold Cranking Amps (CCA)
1000 Marine Cranking Amps (MCA) or 750 Cold Cranking AMPS (CCA)

[TD="colspan: 2"] FourStroke Models

[TD="colspan: 2"] 2-Stroke Models

[TD="colspan: 2"] V-6 Carb/EFI Models

[TD="colspan: 2"] OptiMax Models

Some common battery size codes used are: (ratings are approximate)

[TABLE="width: 70%, align: center"]
[TD]34 to 40 Amp hours
[TD]12 volts
[TD]Group 24
[TD]70-85 Amp hours
[TD]12 volts
[TD]Group 27
[TD]85-105 Amp hours
[TD]12 volts
[TD]Group 31
[TD]95-125 Amp hours
[TD]12 volts
[TD]180-215 Amp hours
[TD]12 volts
[TD]225-255 Amp hours
[TD]12 volts
[TD]Golf Cart & T-105
[TD]180 to 225 Amp hours
[TD]6 volts
[TD]L-16, L16HC etc.
[TD]340 to 415 Amp hours
[TD]6 volts
Classic Whaler: Boston Whaler: Reference: Battery Charge[5/20/2010 12:59:59 AM]
continuousWave --> Whaler --> Reference
Battery Charge

This article provides information on your battery, how to care for it, and how to measure the state of its charge

Boat Batteries
Most boats are powered by some form of storage battery. The lead-acid battery is most common, although there are many more exotic and more expensive options available. The principal load on the battery is operating the electric motor which will start the engine. Once started, the engine generally supplies sufficient current to handle the load demand, as well as maintain and restore the battery charge. On most trailerable boats the electrical demand from instruments, radio, depth sounders, fish finders, etc., is much lower than the starting load. Thus, the typical installation will find a lead-acid "starting" battery, designed to provide very high current for short periods, as opposed to a battery designed to have the capacity for long, deep discharge cycles.

Batteries designated for marine applications are often ruggedized somewhat because of the harsher ride they experience. They generally have different style connections than automotive batteries, and often have handles attached to permit their easy removal.

Battery Chemistry 101
The chemical reaction in a lead-acid battery which produces the voltage difference between the two terminals in each cell has the wonderful property of being able to be driven in the opposite direction by the application of a voltage greater than the cell's potential. This causes current to flow into the battery, resulting in an increase in the acidity of the electrolyte and thus the storing of electrical energy. The greater the charge in a lead-acid battery, the greater the concentration of the acid in the electrolyte. As the battery becomes more discharged, the electrolyte loses its acidity
and approaches a neutral pH. The specific gravity of the electrolyte in a lead-acid battery when fully charged will be 1.265.

The typical marine lead-acid battery has a terminal voltage of "12" volts. The battery actually consists of six cells wired in series, each cell capable of producing 2.15 volts, creating an aggregate voltage of 12.90 volts. When a cell is approximately half discharged its voltage will be 2.03 volts, and the battery terminal voltage will be down to 12.36 volts.

When the cells are almost completely discharged their voltage will be 1.75 volts or less, and the battery terminals will be 10.5 volts or less.

Measuring Charge Condition
There are two indices for measuring the condition of the charge on a lead-acid battery: the terminal voltage or the specific gravity of the electrolyte. Some batteries are completely sealed and thus it is impossible to use the specific gravity method. With the advent of low-cost and accurate digital voltmeters, measuring the terminal voltage may be the easiest and best indicator of a battery's charge.

The table below shows the percentage of discharge (from full charge) as a function of the battery terminal voltage. The exact voltage varies as a function of the temperature of the electrolyte. These values are for a nominal room temperature.

Classic Whaler: Boston Whaler: Reference: Battery Charge[5/20/2010 12:59:59 AM]

Percent Discharge Terminal Voltage
1 % 12.9
10 % 12.8
20 % 12.65
30% 12.5
40% 12.35
50% 12.2
60% 12.0
70% 11.9
80% 11.7
90% 11.4
100% 10.5

Winter Storage
In northern climates many boats are stored over the winter and not used. During this down time the condition of the batteries on board should be checked and maintained.

During the winter storage period my boats are located off-premises in unheated storage sheds, and thus my personal practice is to remove the batteries from the boat and bring them home and indoors. There are several reasons for this:
Removes source of sparking on boat, reducing fire/explosion hazard
Eliminates chance battery may freeze in really cold weather
Eliminates chance of theft from boat
Creates opportunity to charge and recondition battery over the winter
Maintains battery in better condition, although ironically the higher temperature may increase the reaction rate of any self-discharge

I store them at room temperature on the floor of the "boat" closet. There is an old superstition that storing batteries on a concrete floor causes them to self discharge. I keep a layer of carpet between the batteries and the concrete. It keeps the batteries cleaner, and who knows about that self-discharging myth.

When a battery is to be stored and not used for a long period, it is wise to first charge it to near 100% capacity. All batteries will self-discharge at some rate. A battery stored in a highly discharged state may self-discharge to a near zero-charge state over the course of the winter. It is better to begin with a well-charged battery in the fall and end up with a usable battery in the spring.

Before charging the battery, I check the level of the electrolyte, adding distilled water as needed to bring each cell to full. When water is added the state of charge is always reduced, so add the water first, before charging begins.

Before putting them away for the long winter, each battery was briefly charged using a standard automotive style charger. These work well with lead-acid batteries. If you are using a more exotic battery, you may need to use a more sophisticated charger.

For charging I prefer to use the lowest setting possible. On my charger this produces about 2 amperes of charging current or less. I let the battery slowly build a charge Classic Whaler: Boston Whaler: Reference: Battery Charge with this small current. This slows the chemical reaction rate, reducing the amount of heat built up and the rate of gas released. There may also be additional chemical and mechanical reasons why a slow charge cycle is preferred.

Anecdotal Data
This fall I removed the three batteries from my boats, briefly charged them, noted their voltage, and put them in the closet. Four and a half months later, I checked their voltages. Here are the results:

Voltage Measurements
Date Volts Discharge Volts Discharge Volts Discharge
10/21/00 12.48 Vdc 35 % 12.42 Vdc 38 % 12.65 Vdc 20 %
3/4/01 12.33 Vdc 45 % 12.32 Vdc 45 % 12.50 Vdc 30 %

The measurements of voltage were made with a Fluke Digital Multimeter having an accuracy of about 3%. All measurements were made with an open circuit on the battery, that is, no load other than the tiny drain of the meter itself. The batteries appear to have self-discharged only approximately ten percent over the winter.

Spring Preparation
After enduring the long winter, I dragged the batteries out and took the measurements shown above. I also checked the fluid levels, and all three showed very little sign of evaporation or other fluid loss. Then I charged each battery individually at the 2-Amp rate for as long as 24 hours. With my simple charger the current tapers as the voltage rises, so most of the charge was at a lower than 2-Amp rate. After a few days moving the charger among the three batteries, I had their terminal voltages over 12.8 volts, indicating only a slight discharge from theoretical maximum charge. When measuring the battery terminal voltage, there must be a brief rest period between the removal of the charging voltage and the measurement of the battery voltage. Immediately after charging the terminal voltage will be as high as 13.2 volts (or more), but it will quickly reach an equilibrium at the new charge state. Allow about 20 minutes for this (lower) voltage to appear; it is the true indicator of the charge.
The above chart is for a 45 AMP Stator... a 90 HP Johnson probably has a 20 AMP Stator! :)
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The above chart is for a 45 AMP Stator... a 90 HP Johnson probably has a 20 AMP Stator! :)

Excellent stuff, Charlie. Is there a possibility to set up a reference sticky with this type of info easily available for future use?
Out again today. Running the main motor, 12.2-12.3 volts all day. It seems to be getting a little lower every time out [was 12.6 last time.] I think something's wrong as the voltage should be reading around 14 when I'm running. Combover - tachometer is working. ???
The above chart is for a 45 AMP Stator as that is what I have X 2. A 90 HP Johnson is probably a 20 AMP Stator; however, the test is the same all the way down to #8! If it is a 20 AMP Stator #9 should read 20 AMPS @ WOT. If less than that read #10.

The numbers given really don’t mean anything. With the engine off the voltmeter reads the voltage of the battery. With the engine running the voltmeter is only measuring how much voltage is being produced by the engine, including to the battery.

Don’t believe that voltmeter you are looking at. If you are going to troubleshoot and/or use a voltmeter and if you don’t have one - go buy a GOOD one!

Hook the voltmeter directly to the battery and it should show at least 12.7 volts fully charged. When you start the engine with the voltmeter still attached the volts should go up to about 14.5 max. If the voltmeter volts don't change your stator is shot. If it jumps to around 18-19 volts your regulator is shot. This is the quick and easy way to check.

To check the stator, unplug the regulator from the socket. Set the voltmeter on AC and above 100 volts. Insert the probes into the stator socket and start the engine. When you give the engine throttle you should see AC current of about 16 to 20 volts per 1000 RPM. I don’t have a chart and don’t know what your Stator should be putting out at the different RPMS; however, if you see less than around 30 volts @2000 RPM, I would say your stator is probably faulty. If that checks out, you may have a faulty regulator. And, having it checked out by a professional prior to just starting replacing parts might be wise.