Bass tourney - Shawnigan lake this weekend...

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Guest who all is entered into the bass tourney on shawnigan lake this coming weekend? Dirty and my boy Nate will be down on the water in our boat as the lead wiegh-in station. I hear that there will be some awesome prizes, even an $800. salmon charter as a prize.

Good luck and safe boating to all who are participating in this live C&R tourney...remember that DOT, RCMP and MOELP[CO] may also attend.

Some of the WCBA Mainland chapter have some sweet rides for the southern interior lakes like Osoyoos and Skaha as well as the Washington circuit. They too will be there.
Yes, you can register the morning of. Just be there early!
I can't make it as I am working graveyard shifts.
We did a little scouting earlier and did great in some areas. The fish are a little deeper but are getting active with the better weather. Just fish slowly.
Good luck tomorrow!!!!!!
And have fun.
I think top prize will be some good $$.
Well apparently the BC Open saw some impressive fish.
27+lbs for 5 fish weigh-in took first place. Big fish was 6lbs 7ozs!
Man handled the little devil myself. Ya those guy's were on fire. Pulled all five of their bag off of the same spot. It was hilarious to watch. Guy's were running all over the place with their pants down and these guy's sat on the hedge and put up a clinic. Funny thing was 4 of those 5 came withing about 35 min. of each other. All in all I think everyone was happy. Other than a bit of rain in the a.m., the weather was decent, the lake was calm, and I was wishing I had a fly rod. Man what a chronimid hatch. Size 10's.-dirty
DIRTY, whats up YOU involved in BASS, now i have seen everything,LOL guess thats what happens when you work in a tackle shop eh, opens you up, anywho whats up, ive been on nights for a couple weeks, well i think the thaw is on, +10 today, +18 on sat ,might go find myself a river this weekend, i will let ya know
i will give ya a call over the next few, later

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