Barkley Sound

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I have fished off and on all summer in the sound, with some great days and some poor days.I have to agree with some of the other fisherman that it has been very inconsistent this year.I have found that the west side of the sound has been better then the east side this year, still not as good as last year(anyone agree?)We have found that a faster trolling speed was the answer for us.
Have you tried offshore at all lately, its supposed to be on fire!! But you do have to go 25+ miles out. Hopefully they move in a little closer for the weekend.
Not Barkley but fished offshore out of Nootka a week ago and absolutely slayed them. We only had to go 8-10 miles out into 300-350' but once we go there we loaded up. Nice big fish too, smallest was 21, biggest was 41 in two days. Never fished inside because it was so good out there.
Its amazing to me those who travel all those miles offshore. I absolutely respect and admire those with confidence and obviously the knowledge to venture that far out. Me, I would be scared shi###s.
The only way Id do it was with someone with the knowhow,mean while Ill continue with the Sooke area.
Otter, sounds like you are doing pretty well for yourself out of Sooke so I'd stick with it. I'll be there hopefully in a couple weeks, once I fork over the coin for a new pair of 4 strokes. Busted another motor so it's repower time, and right in the middle of the season![B)]