

Well-Known Member
Left on saturday evening with a friend of mine for what was supposed to be a 1 night 1 day of fishing trip in Bamfield but ended up being 3 nights and 3 days fishing instead.
Day 1: headed out to Whittlestone at about 6:30. The storm on friday tossed more kelp out into the channel than ive ever seen before. No joke the whole channel was just about as thick as an actual kelp bed.It was quite the job weaving through the maze of the stuff on the way out. Also left over from the storm were some of the biggest rollers ive ever seen at whittlestone. The size of the surf crashing on the rocks was amazing. The fishing was slower than last week but we somehow managed to scratch them all day. We landed a 27 in about half an hour and then released a nice spring in the low 20's. Scratched a few smaller ones, lost a couple and had a few hits throughout the day.
Day 2:Left the dock at about 8 and headed back to whittlestone. Got 1 fish in the high teens before the second rod was even in the water and then hit another in the teens 10 minutes later. Released another in the low 20's at around 10:00. Scratched through the rest of the day. ALSO! lost a decent one to a seal just off the point.
Day 3:Had a bit of a sleep in today(left the dock at 9). Got to Whittlestone and did about 10 passes before getting 1 hit but missed it. Missed 1 more before getting a 16. Missed a couple more and then things went very quiet. At about noon there were no other boats there and then the bite came on. Hit a 31 on a green/white glo hooch and then a 23 shortly after. Lost 1 more and had a couple hits. By 2:00 we were still getting some action but the rain was pooring down and we needed to get back to Nanaimo at some point anyway so we left.
To sum it up it was a fun trip even though the fishing wasnt all that hot.

Edited by - chevyshaulass on 09/14/2004 20:58:29
its seemed to have died off everywhere since last week. I was listenin to the radio a bit and the only positive thing i heard in 3 days was a good afternoon bite at pill with large fish. Everyone i talked to that was on the wall said it was pretty dead with the odd boat scratching some small fish.
I think theres still one more big push of mutts just waitin to slide on through the Bamfield area. Im probly not gonna get in on it tho....headin to Ucci tomorrow to jump on a troller for a 4 day opening somewhere just north of esperanza.