

Well-Known Member
Well....just got home from a weekend over in Bamfield. Woke up Saturday morning to a slight drizzle and a tiny bit of southeast. Pounded out to 7 mile and fished for a couple hours in the southeast slop to release about 4 or 5 smaller springs and then headed back in to calmer waters. After we got inside we fished from foldger all the way down to Kirby for a couple springs and small coho. After a while the rain started to come down pretty hard so we headed in for the day. We started off at Fleming this morning and only got 1 spring although there was a ton of stuff showing on the sounder. Finished off our day over at the wall but didnt get anything else. All in all not the greatest trip. I'll probably head to papermill tomorrow afternoon to try to redeem myself.
fathers day weekend is usually the time when it gets hot down below with springs as i can remember
I'm headin up to bamfield this saturday. Anyone got any inshore fishing recommendations??
it was pretty spotty all over the place inshore although there has been the odd decent spring taken off the wall and over at kirby.
Thanks Mr. Bags and Chevys.

Beal wall and kirby were all in my top 5 to try. I will definatly work them. I only have 1 day (3 tides) to fish so 1 slack for each.

I understand when you say spotty chevy, but you should come try...umm err... do I dare say it and embarass myself... Nanaimo where it's spotty and on top of that, any salmon you hook is instant bait for 1000 pounders!!!

Come to Nanaimo,,, seal capital of the world!!!
haha i live in Nanaimo. Believe me i know about the seals. Me and my dad used to fish the nanaimo area quite a bit but now we dont even bother just because of the ridiculous amount of seals.