Bamfield tuna shootout!!! September 22 - october 1

A final photo from the cleaning tables from Thursday.
Thanks again to all involved!
Guys, is anyone heading out wednesday afternoon and planning to stay the night to take advantage of thursday? Looking to see who would be interested
Finally got my **** together enough to post a report. What a long weekend it was for us onboard the Reef Raider.

Spent friday afternoon running around and making sure we were ready for the weekend. at 2pm I still had no crew for my boat but I was planning to run to Bamfield and deck hand if need be. By 2:30 I had a full boat lined up and it was time for final preparations. Dipped in at Clutesi around 7:30pm and put the hammer down for Bamfield (broke my own rule of no more running in the dark before I got past Nahmint). By the time we hit Kildonan, it was pitch black and the Bioluminescence was so bright it was reflecting off the inside of my hardtop! We could see schools of baitfish scatter as we approached. Pulled up to Mills around 9pm and met Gerry who was just cleaning up the loining station. Met up with Sculpin, Firelight and Finished Business for a BS before hitting the sack around 01:30. Up at 06:30 on saturday and over to the Gov't dock to pick up the rest of my crew. Rounded Cape beale around 07:00 and headed SW to some numbers I got from John the night before. Trolled around with Sculpin, Trophy Hunter and Fifth Element for a couple of hours but nada. kept trolling SW down into Nitinat Canyon but still no action. First signs of life was a pod of whiteside Dolphins followed by our first tuna of the shootout!! put that 18lber on ice and tried to work the area for another hour but no action. 15:30 and Sculpin calls on the radio to say he is into the fish up at Barkley Canyon so we pack up and run north in an attempt to salvage a slow day of fishing. Meet up with the rest of the fleet at Barkley and manage one more fish before pulling the gear and heading for town. We didn't make it to 10 mile bank before it was pitch black and we were once again running in the dark. pulled into the Harbour at 21:00 and motored over to the other side to meet up with a good friend of mine for a beer to see if I could sweet talk a late night refueling out of her. Worked like a charm but I drained the last drop of diesel out of Mckay bay before topping my tanks off. Not to worry as I had what I needed for another canyon run and they would be getting more fuel the next day. Motored back over to Mills at 23:00 and the fire was out so we packed it in for the night. Two fantastic looking Albies on ice!

Woke up Sunday morning and picked up my crew at Gov't dock again, They apparently partied with the Marine research students all night and looked like hell! we rolled out of town a little earlier hoping to get a head start on the rest of the fleet. Just past big bank we ran into a large pod of Northern Wright Dolphins that porposed along side the boat for about 15 minutes, rubbing along the bottom of the boat like we were one of them. It was an incredible sight! We ran straight to the spot that Sculpin killed em the day before. lines in and fish on within 5 minutes. trolled for another hour and hit a double! then nothing for a couple of hours. Decided to pick up and move down to a spot that looked good on Tempbreak on the way out. on the outside edge of Nitinat Canyon. arrived in the Bluest water I have ever seen at 60.0 degrees. Trolled around that area for a few hours but nada. No signs of life at all. Still no one on the radio and we realized it was a solo mission. Decided to hit the spot in barkley where we got the double on the way home and picked up three more before pulling the gear a little earlier this time to make it home in the light. Running home we spotted jumpers in no more than 400' of water about 35 miles from Beale just outside of Big Bank. There was tuna and Coho jumping side by side. I guess we should have been fishing the green water! Hit town with 6 more tuna on ice and sent my crew on their way home. Went over for another late night refuel but nothing yet so I crashed in the boat at McKay hoping Monday would bring me better luck on the fuel front.

Spent monday morning running around the harbour looking for someone that could sell me enough Diesel to make it back to Port Alberni. Gerry at Mills Landing stepped up big time and helped me get in touch with the guys over at Harbourview who sold me a bit of fuel and I was on my way home by 2 pm. Can't thank Gerry and Diane enough for helping out.

All in all a great weekend. Wish I could have met more of the guys and experienced this wicked cooking I keep hearing about. but I will be back for round two tomorrow evening it looks like.

Check out the video/montage!
Thanks again to Jeff and everyone for making this happen, nothing but good times had by all!!!
Nice one Harper 44!

See you tomorrow. Captain Kidds arriving mid day. Island Bound I haven't decided if we are gonna roll tomorrow afternoon and overnight it or go Thurs morning.

Tunadon is leaving thusday morning.

Great reports everyone and thanks for coming.

Stay tune(a)d...

I found it funny that I get up early Monday morning to go fishing a certain forum member was still postin up music till 5 something on facecrack :D

Thanks for the stories guys, sounds like that was a wicked time
Great Vid Andrew!!! I liked that sunset running in part and those dolphins were cool too. Great song to put it all to as well:cool:.

I thought we had our whole 40 minutes of action recorded on the gopro. Unfortunately not so:(.
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Wow what a weekend! I finally am catching up on everything so thought i would post a report. First off i wanted to thank everyone who made it possible! Jeff for kicking my butt to get out and helping set this thing up, Jerry (Mills) for hosting the event and busting his butt keeping things running with ice etc, DAK for letting us steal his kill bags/squid jigs and his generous donation, Nick/Darren for the Herring and cleaning tips, John/Harper for fishing with us and the list goes on. Great to meet new people.

At the last minute i threw everything out the door because Jeff said it was worth it and boy he was right! Met up with Matt (fifth element), who I had guided with lots this summer out of Bamfield. Our plan was to head up friday, fish sat and maybe overnight till sun morn. We arrived in Bamfield around 4pm and got his sweet 28ft Grady loaded up then found the guys for a BS.

Matt and his rig

They were pumped having just come in from an epic two days. Everyone had 20-40 tuna from Thursday but said it had slowed down a bit Friday. We were itching to get out after seeing this and the glass calm waters. We couldn't take it, loaded the final gear and hit the water around 6:30pm to head out to the grounds. We had no real agenda other than trying to get our first Tuna so we punched in the Co ordinates given to us by the other crews and tried to make it out as far as possible before bedtime. We made it a bit past Big Bank and began to quickly loose light until it was pitch black. We throttled back and continued to run on GPS(not the best idea, nor would i likely repeat) until we hit about 45 miles.

The only view

Bioluminescence in the prop wash


We decided that was enough and stopped the boat near a number of commercial boats rafted up. We both ended up sleeping on the deck due to the other two guys with us taking the bunks and that way we could keep watch. That was one of the coolest things I've ever done. It was absolutely still so we could hear everything and were constantly woken up. The marine life was incredible with UFO's(another story), dolphins, birds, squid, krill, whales, sharks, sunfish etc all over. We watched a big whale swim by us completely lit up by the bioluminescence. Finally as light began to show we continued the last 15 miles out to the grounds. Where the water temps rose from 57 to 62 degrees.

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There was not much marine life after 40 miles but we still saw a few huge pods of dolphins (Rissos, white sided, northern wright).

A pod with all 3 species.

Tuna fishing was new to both of us but we quickly got our array of gear out and fishing around 50 miles out. We trolled a few hours, then finally got a double header. Lost one on the handline but managed the land the other. Mission accomplished!


Tuna coming over the rail


Bleeding them in the live well with water being pumped through before putting them on salt ice.

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We fished alongside Sculpin, Harper and Trophy Hunter, keeping in touch throughout the day.

Trophy Hunter (If anyone has Jody's email then shoot him the pic)


Harper and the boys (Reef Raider)


Sculpin into a double header


Tuna coming in

The rest of the day was scratchy with us going 3 for 6 but that was more than enough to hook us on the fishery.

Matt with a pair


Moving them into Daks kill bag at the bottom


The run in was one of the best parts of the day. We ran with Harper and Sculpin in perfect conditions with the sun setting.

Puttin up the feet and having a road beer with sculpin in the background


Sculpin, Finished business, Darren and Firelight having a drag race with the tunes blaring



We got back late, left the fish on ice until the morning and crashed. The next morning Nick and Darren showed us how to clean them, Jerry helped us pack them and Jeff drank some beers. More crews came down and we had a BS on what we can do to make this even bigger and better for next year. There is a lot in the works and i can promise it is going to be an event you do NOT want to miss. Details on this to come as they're worked out. Some of the prizes were laid/given out, all of us had some celebratory champagne and it was a great time

DAK and crew, Scuplin, Aaron, Jeff, Jerry, Matt and I


Big thanks again to Mills for hosting the event!


Man what a country.....
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Great report Kelly, that was an awesome day and your photos really show it off, sorry I missed the group photo musta been hanging with the family.

Jeff thanks for looking out for my niece while I was out, she wanted me to leave her there for a week... I can imagine my sister if I did that lol.
Wow great photos Kelly. I have been waiting for those. Cool stuff for sure. It was great fishing with you guys.
Thanks Kelly , Jeff, Tuna Don , Sculpin, Dak, FB with Darren and Nick and all that was there, it was one of the greatest time of my life and its going to start today again. we will see what this weekend will bring.
Good work boys!
Great photos as usual the group BC Tough!

Working hard to get away and git my butt over there....

Great report Kelly, that was an awesome day and your photos really show it off, sorry I missed the group photo musta been hanging with the family.

Jeff thanks for looking out for my niece while I was out, she wanted me to leave her there for a week... I can imagine my sister if I did that lol.

Ya you missed your prize too Todd! Gonna have to get an address and send it out.

You shoulda left her... LOL! What a sweet/beautiful girl.

I can't fathom your sister being thrilled though!!!

Getting busy around here again, trying to get bunks changed for the crew staying in BC Tough house (my) gear lined for pickup at PNT, dogs looked after, dishes done...

Foggy and misty but wind forecast looks a hellalot better.

Stay tuned!